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"Baby, shit!" I managed to get out, trying to push her head away from me. Peyton's face had been buried between my thighs, she had made me cum twice, and was currently working for number three. For someone who had never done this before last night, she was too good at this. Way too good.

She grabbed my hands and held them down beside me, all while devouring me as if there were no tomorrow. Her tongue stroked my clit from all angles, and was taking me higher with each passing. My hips were moving at her pace, grinding back on her mouth. Suddenly, my leg shook a bit, causing her to look me in my eyes. She was putting in a hell of a show and I was more than enjoying the view. In fact, watching her work on me made me wetter. And she knew it.

"Like this, Baby?" She asked sucking on my clit, never breaking eye contact. I moaned out loudly and laid my hand on the back of her head. She knew she had me, knew that was the way to make me cum. She had learned quickly what to do to get me there.

"Yes, Babe. Just like that."

Her mouth stayed latched on to me and slowly slid two fingers into my cave. Throwing my head back, I knew for sure I was going to lose consciousness. She felt too good to me. She pumped into me as I felt myself clench on to her fingers. She curved her fingers and immediately hit my spot.

"Fuucccck..." I got out, gripping onto the sheets. Her tongue and lips gave the perfect amount of blissful pressure to my pearl, sending me into ecstasy. I was convinced that she had a demon inside her because who taught her this?

"Come on, J. Let it go." She said sexily, speeding up her pace inside me. Her lips returned and began slurping on me, letting me hear how wet she was making me. That ignited everything in me as I felt myself approaching the top.

"Look at me, Baby," she commanded.

My eyes slowly opened and met hers. My lip was tucked between my teeth as she flicked her tongue against me.

"Cum for me." Her voice was as sexy and smooth as it was the night we were on FaceTime having phone sex. I nodded my head as all of her licks and fingering got me there. My breath was coming fast as a released myself on her fingers. Her pumping slowing down instantly, and my hips continued to ride out on her.

She had began placing soft kisses around my lips, my thighs and the front of my hips while I was coming down. She removed her fingers and I watched as she placed them in her mouth to suck my juices off. Once she was done, she looked back between my thighs at her work. She wanted more.

"May I?" She asked, requesting to drink from my pool.

"Yes, but go slow."

She kissed and licked me, gently, for another 10 minutes or so before kissing up my body and connecting our lips. Tasting myself on her lips and tongue, I moaned into our kiss.

"I think you enjoy the taste of yourself just as much as I do," she said leaning up from me.

"Maybe. Or maybe it's you that makes it better for me."

"I don't know. You do taste awfully good."

"Peyton, seriously, how?"

"How what?" She smirked at me as she laid her head in the crook of my arm and threw her own arm across my stomach.

"You are too good at this to be a so-called Rookie."

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