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"I'm going to take a shower before bed."

Those were the only words that Peyton had spoken since we exchanged 'I love yous' back in the truck. I knew that my girlfriend was hurting. Hurting in a way that I had never seen her, or many other people for that matter, hurt before. Her cheerful bubbly demeanor was gone, and had reverted back to the hurt little girl who just wanted her father. In all fairness, I didn't think that she was asking too much. In fact, she wasn't asking for enough. She deserved more than that. She deserved the apology, the respect, the acknowledgement, and above everything else, unconditional love, all from him.

"Ok. I'll be here waiting."

She nodded her head, grabbed some items and walked into the bathroom, leaving her phone on the charger. I took the time to respond to a few emails when it rang, getting my attention. I didn't want to be too nosy, but I was sure that it was her brother. Peeking at the device sitting next to me on the nightstand, my assumptions were confirmed.

"Hello?" I answered her phone.

"Hey si- wait. Janet?" Nico asked.

"Yeah, hey Nico. You calling to check on your sister?"

"Yeah. She around?"

"She's in the shower right now."

"Okay. How's she holding up?"

"She says that she's okay but I don't know. She didn't say very much on the ride, but she did tell me that she would talk to me when she was ready."

He let out a heavy sigh. "I kinda figured that's how she would be. She'll probably just stay quiet for a while. Internalize it all, then blame herself. She'll say she's okay, and might even try to push you away a little. Don't let her. She needs you."

I smiled at his words and how well he knew his little sister. She did give me the heads up that he's a bit of a softy for her. I could appreciate his advice. "I got you. How's your dad? Is he talking?"

"He's been quiet and sulking since you guys left. Not sure if it's because he feels guilty, doesn't care, or mad that the TV is broken."

We both chuckled at the last part.

"I had no clue that she had that good of aim to hit it in the center so perfectly," I joked with him.

"Oh, yeah. She definitely has an arm on her."

"Noted." My ears perked up when I heard another sound in the bathroom that was more than just the shower running. "'We'll see if she opens up some tonight. We'll chat tomorrow before we leave?"

"Sure thing. And Janet?"


"Thank you for being there for my sister. I really appreciate it."

"No need to thank me. I always will. Have a good night."

"You too."

After disconnecting the call, I placed the phone back down, got up and walked to the bathroom door. I heard what sounded like Peyton crying.

"Peyton? Can I come in?"

I heard her sniff a little before she responded. "I'm okay, J," she called back, not sounding remotely like she was okay. The "pushing away" was beginning.

"That's not what I asked you though, Honey." I pushed the door open a little and peeked in. I saw her reflection in the mirror and her body was shaking from her sobbing. Walking into the bathroom, I quickly got undressed before opening the shower door and stepping in behind her. She lifted her head and turned to look at me slightly over her shoulder when she heard the door open.

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