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"Babe, these brownies don't have nuts in them, right?" She asked while going through the bag of stuff that my mother sent us out of the house with.

"No. Since Eissa is allergic, she doesn't send me home with that kind anymore," I said, joining her in the kitchen. I had been watching her intently ever since our little encounter in the bathroom, and I didn't want to wait for her any longer.

"Thank God!" She said taking one out of the baggie. I knew that she wasn't allergic, just not a fan of any kind of nut, unless it's - nevermind. As soon as she was about to bite into one, I grabbed it out of her hand, placed it on the napkin on the counter. She looked at me quizzically and asked, "What's up, J?"

I pulled her by her neck into a heated, passionate kiss instead. I knew that I had just talked this morning about how she was kissing me, and here I was doing the same. That was different. We were on a schedule. But now? Eissa stayed with Mother, and we were finally alone so that I could give her the surprise that I had for her.

Her lip was trapped between the soft bite of my teeth as I pulled back from the kiss. Slightly out of breath, she opened her eyes slowly and smiled.

"Your lips are sweeter than any brownie I could have ever eaten."

I smiled back. "And you've got something even sweeter that I want to eat."

"Ooo, bold and blunt tonight, are we?" She asked.

"You have no idea." I kissed her again and began to give out orders. "I'm gonna go take a shower and get ready in the guest room, and you can get ready in my room. I'll text you when you can come in. The only thing is," I leaned forward and whispered in her ear, "just make sure you're naked and ready for me." I licked and bit on her ear before walking upstairs.

She had told me a little while ago that there were certain performance outfits of mine that she wanted to see me in up close. While I had long retired many of those, I wanted to make one of her fantasies come true. I had everything setup, with a few other things, in the guest room so that she wouldn't see them. Plus, I had a feeling that things were going to get a little wild, so we could do our damage there.

I had finally gotten showered, lotioned and dressed and was lighting the last candle. I took a look around the room and was pleased with the setup. The bed had been made up in black and red decor. Candles were lit everywhere. Music played softly, and the red LED lights under the bed and behind the headboard gave off a sexy and sensual vibe. I filled two flutes with champagne and left them on the dresser before grabbing my phone to text her.

Me: You ready Baby?

My ❤️: More than you know

Me: Good. Come in and sit on the foot of the bed

My ❤️: Omw

I left my phone on the dresser and went to the closet and waited. Her sitting on the foot of the bed would allow her to see me clearly when I walked out. I was so eager to see how she would respond. Not just to the outfit, though. To everything.

She walked into the room and I instantly heard her gasp as she looked around. I smiled to myself as it was the exact reaction that I wanted. I could see her in a robe as she walked to the bed cautiously. She looked a little nervous but excited at the same time.

"Take off your robe." I demanded from the closet. She looked in my direction but the darkness kept me well hidden. She smiled and followed my directions. She slowly dropped the garment to the floor and exposed her beautiful body. In the candlelight and soft red glow, she looked more beautiful than I had ever seen her. The curve of her hips, her full breasts, her thick thighs that I couldn't wait to have my head in between - my baby was a goddess. She sat back down with her hands in her lap and waited for me patiently.

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