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My eyes fluttered open from my slumber, and I was met with my girlfriend's sleeping face. I smiled, immediately, because I didn't get to have these moments often. In the times that we shared a bed, she either woke up before me, or we weren't always facing each other. So this was, indeed, a treat.

She had snuck into bed with me after the video shoot; She had stayed later than me as she wanted to review some of the footage captured from earlier in the night. She claimed it would help start to put the pieces of the video together before we moved on to the next day. Whatever the case may be, she still found her way beside me in the wee hours of the morning, just so we could be close. I appreciated it.

In typical fashion, I gazed at her features, taking her in as the sun peeked its way into my bedroom making her glow. Her perfect lips were slightly parted as she breathed in and out. I kissed them softly, several times. I couldn't resist. She stirred a little, shifting her position to being flat on her back, her head turned away from me. My favorite spot on her, well, one of my favorite spots, was exposed to me.

Feeling overly enamored by her, my lips found their way to her neck, placing soft kisses that quickly turned into more. I began to lick and nibble on the fragile skin, hell bent on, one, waking her up, and two, sending her to the set tonight with several of my markings. I could hear her breath catch in her throat, letting me know that she was no longer sleeping.

I paused my assault, briefly, just to whisper to her. "You're awake."

"No, I'm not," she responded with her raspiness that caused me to bite down a little harder than I had before. The act made her squirm as she tried to stifle a moan.

"Well, if you're not awake, I should probably stop."

"Now, why you wanna go and do that, love, huh?" She got out with her eyes still closed, making both of us giggle.

"To be honest, I don't even want to. I kinda have something else in mind, too." I continued sucking.

"Mmm, shhhhhit. A-and what might th-that be?" She stuttered out.

Slipping my hand under the covers, I moved it between her legs, rubbing on her softly. "Since it's our last day of shooting, I figured I could get your day started off with a bang."

She parted her legs to give me more access to her center. Seeing as how she was already wet, I knew that I wouldn't get much of an objection from her. Adding a bit more pressure and biting her again, she sucked air between her teeth.

"Baby...." She moaned out.

"Can I make a mess this morning?" I kissed up to her ear just to nibble on the lobe. When she didn't respond, I slid into her slowly while whispering in her ear. "Hmmm? Mama can't hear you, Baby Girl."

"Yes, ma'am...."

"Yes, Ma'am!" Gil's loud expression pulled me out of my thoughts, reminiscing on the morning that Peyton and I had shared just a few days ago. Jordan had just come from the bedroom with the outfit on that I had gotten for her for today's show. "You look amazing, Lil P."

I shook my head at him. "Stop calling her that. Her name is Jordan."

Jordan shook her head. "It's okay, Auntie J. Jill didn't mean any harm."

I laughed hysterically as Gil stood there looking dumbfounded. I had been warning him all day that she was just like her aunt with her wittiness. He was just beginning to see how true that statement really was.

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