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As the camera rolled away from the door of the car, I opened it and got back out, waiting for Peyton and Dave to review what they had just captured. Gil and Brittany were walking in my direction when I heard my name being called.

"Janet! Can you come here for a second, please?" Dave had looked up and shouted over to me.

Walking in their direction, I noticed that Peyton had her arms folded across her chest. Her face was almost in a scowl. I knew she wasn't upset, though, seeing as how most of the shots for the final night had gone quite smoothly.

"What's up?"

"Hey, so, Peyton and I were debating on which shot looked the best, or -

"Or, if we should reshoot it for another option."

Her indecisiveness was kicking in, which let me know that she was stressing and overthinking things that she didn't need to. More than likely, both shots were perfectly fine.

"Okay, let me see them."

I stood between the both of them, and reached to grab her hand. Letting both her arms fall to her sides, I interlocked our fingers together. She let out a breath when I gave her a reassuring squeeze. I focused on the monitor and it had been just as I had suspected - both takes of the shot were perfectly fine.

"So?" She asked once I had seen them.

"It doesn't need to be reshot. In my opinion, either of the takes would work, but it really just depends on what you're wanting, Peyton."

She sighed again, and before she could start spitballing her reasons for her not committing to a decision, I turned to Dave.

"Can you give us a ten minute break? I promise not to keep her for long."

"Sure, J. No problem." He walked away from us, grabbing one of the camera guys on his way.

Turning my attention to Peyton, I pointed to her chair.

"Sit." She did as she was told, and before she could fully sit back, I grabbed her by her hoodie, right at her neck, and pulled her towards me, meeting her lips with mine. When I felt her try to pull back, I grabbed her by the back of her neck, keeping her attached to me. She let out a breath through her nose and began to relax a few moments after. Pulling back, I looked into her eyes, cradling her face so that she couldn't turn her head from me.

"You're overthinking. Why?"

"I don't know."

"Baby, you do. You know both of those takes were just fine, unless there's something that I'm missing."

She shrugged softly and looked defeated. "I guess I'm just thinking of all the thousand ways that this isn't good enough and it could be better."

"You haven't even put everything together yet and you're already doubting it? You can't do that to yourself, Honey. You're counting yourself out before you even really get started. It's going to be fine."

"I just hope that I'm making the right decisions." She said as she slipped her hands into the front pocket of her hoodie.

"Look, no one can make this video what it's supposed to be except you. No matter how Dave feels or I feel, this is your project. You make the calls. Make them the same way that you've been making them all along, and we're going to stand behind you and support you."

"But what if I choose the wrong one?"

I slid my hands into her hoodie pocket and held her hands. "What if it's the best one? Stop second guessing yourself, Honey. I've watched this idea of yours come to light, and not only is it great, I see another level of brilliance in you that I can't wait for everyone else to see when it's all put together. I believe in this because I believe in you."

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