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I followed Janet into her bedroom and closed the door behind me. I leaned back against it and watched her. She was busy around the room lighting candles and playing music.

"Is this okay?" She asked when she turned to me when she was done.

"It's perfect."

"Come here," she beckoned me to the bed.

I walked over to where she stood and she signaled for me to sit. She kicked my feet apart and stood in between my legs. She tilted my head up by my chin, looking down into my eyes. Hers we low, dark, and filled with desire. She had a devilish grin that I'd never seen before.

"You wanted all of me, right? And I'd get all of you. Those were the requirements, yeah?" Her voice was low and sexy, turning me on more with every word that she spoke. Her hands cupped my head, keeping it tilted up towards her. I grabbed on to the back of her thighs, then slowly moved them up to her ass, then finally rested on her hips.

"Yes ma'am."

"Okay, just checking," she said climbing onto my lap, straddling me. She pulled my shirt over my head, leaving me in my black lace bra. I leaned back on my hands and just watched her. Her eyes trailed slowly from mine, down my face, to my chest. She drew her fingers across the fabric, then drawing circles around my nipples making them erect.

"This is pretty," she said as she pulled me back to her and connected our lips, then reached around to unhook my bra. She slowly pulled the straps off my shoulders and down my arms, she tossed it behind her. She kissed down my jaw, neck and chest then flicked her tongue on one my nipples and sucked. After a few moments, she trailed her tongue across my chest and repeated her actions on the other. She kissed back up my chest, and stopped at my soft spot on my neck, kissing, licking and biting down, making me moan out.

"Damn, Baby," I managed to get out.

My hands roamed her body, under her cropped hoodie, across her stomach, and brushed softly along the bottom of her breasts. I grabbed one in each hand and massaged gently. She pulled back suddenly and I froze.

"What's wrong? Did I do something?" I asked, searching her eyes.

Her sexy lips curved into a smile. "Shhhhhh. It's okay." She interrupted me and covered my lips with her finger. As we stared into each other's eyes, she took off her hoodie, revealing her beautiful, full breasts, tossing the clothing over my head with a smirk. "I wanted to give you better access."

I looked at her breasts and bit my lip, rubbing my thumbs across her nipples then pinching.

"You are so fucking sexy", I said before capturing her right one, gently biting and licking all over it, leaving small marks before sucking on it, mimicking what she had just done to me. I moved and did the same to the other. I heard her gasp. She held on to my head as I continued on, and started grinding her hips on me.

"You feel so good, Baby. You're making me so wet." She said seductively in my ear.

"Is that right?" I asked, looking up at her.

"Mmmhmmm. You should check and see for yourself." I grabbed the back of her head and pulled her back into our kiss. I stood with her in my arms, never breaking our connection. I tapped her thigh so that she could get down. Once planted back on the floor, I kissed down her body, stopping quickly at her breasts again, then stopped right at her belly button. I hooked my fingers inside of her joggers and panties, pulling them down together and helping her step out of them. I was eye level with her core but paused on touching her.

"Lay down for me, J."

She eagerly climbed on the bed on her back, legs slightly apart. I finished undressing myself and crawled on the bed. I got beside her and attached my lips to her breasts again as she whispered to me, "Touch me, Peyton."

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