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It ain't much, but it's something...


"Hey girls! Make sure y'all don't give any food or candy to Eissa without asking Auntie J first, okay? And make sure that one of us is always with you." I gave my girls a quick pep talk as we walked through the park, mainly the birthday girl. On top of her being in an amusement park where everything caught her attention, birthday excitement was at an all time high. I knew her focus was all over the place. Jordan shot me a quick look to let me know that she would be keeping an eye on her sister as well. She took her big sister role quite seriously.

The park wasn't as crowded as I had expected it to be, which worked in our favor. Everyone looked so good in the outfits that Janet and I put together. Nicole was pleasantly surprised when 'her Auntie J' gave her a tutu and Minnie ears to wear with hers. She was cute and all, but she was going to stop claiming my woman.

Speaking of which, my baby was looking so good rocking her Jordans. I know it's not her normal choice in footwear, but it looked cute with her ass hugging joggers. Dammit, she was fine. And she knew it.

Joey and Tommy even played into their outfits. Joey whined until we bought him Mickey ears to wear. Both of them wore black aviators and sported fake ear pieces. Or maybe they weren't fake. I don't know. But they made sure to keep Nicole, and J, within their sights. Every once in a while, they'd announce "Princess is on the move!" just to make her smile. Everything was perfect.

"Where do yall want to start? We got a lot of rides and a lot of ages going on here." Nico asked.

"Daddy, let's find the carousel first. That way Eissa can ride with me," Nicole suggested.

Honestly, the two had bonded quickly over the couple of days my family had been in town. Neither one would let the other get too far away before asking for the other.

"You want to get on the ride with Coley, Eissa?" Janet asked him, using the nickname that Eissa called her. He picked up on it when he heard it from Nico.

"Yes. I ride too!" He said excitedly. Nicole had slowed her walking pace a bit to walk next to him in the stroller. They held hands as Janet pushed him along. It was the cutest thing.

"The carousel it is. I hope they have a monkey," Nico said playfully, walking with his arm around Jordan.

"Why, so you can ride yourself?" I asked.

"In that case, I hope they have a giraffe for you, you long neck wench."


The first part of the morning went by like a blur with us getting on quite a few rides. For the ones that the two smaller kids couldn't get on, I opted to sit out with them. It wasn't that I didn't want to ride, or was afraid of them. It was just easier when everybody wanted to ride. I didn't mind being the sacrifice.

By the time lunch rolled around, and we went to the castle, I think all of the adults were in need of a little break. We had finished eating and were all chilling while many of the Disney Princesses walked around and stopped at tables. Many of them were caught off guard when they saw Janet sitting at the table. Nicole had met and taken pictures with the ones who stopped by, but I noticed that she was a little upset when they were all gone.

"What's wrong, Monster?" I asked her from across the table.

"This was cool and all, but I really wanted to see Princess Tiana," she pouted.

"Oh, so like, she's your favorite, huh?" I asked.

"Yeah," she said somberly.

"You know," Janet started. "A dream is a wish your heart makes," she sang the lyrics. "Maybe you have to wish just a little harder. Or, what was it that Tiana said when she wanted her restaurant?" She tapped her chin as if she were thinking.

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