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"Happy birthday, best friend!!!!" My best friend Tanae screamed into the phone on our FaceTime call. "Tell your Auntie P Happy birthday, Baby."

My 2 year old godson, Taj came into view, grinning as always. "Happy birfday Aunt P."

"Thank you Taji Baby. And thank you best friend!" Tanae and I had been best friends since middle school. We had seen each other through the best and absolute worst of times. I knew in my heart that if I ever needed someone to have my back and help hide a body, Nae would be there with two shovels. I was there with her when Taj was born, right after Taj's father was killed in a car accident. Some days were harder for her than others, but I would always be there when she called. For her and my baby boy.

"I'm so sorry I missed the concert and couldn't be there with you. You knoooooow I wanted to, but couldn't find anyone to watch Taj for me."

"Girl, you know I understand. Plus these extra days weren't exactly planned originally. Don't even worry about it. We'll get together when I get back home."

"Facts! So what are you gonna do tonight?"

"I met some dope people at the concert the other night and we hung out after. We're going to meet up for dinner and drinks." I couldn't tell her the whole truth. She definitely would not believe that I hung out Janet Jackson, let alone that I was going to her house for dinner. Plus, whatever was happening, or not, between Janet and me was strictly between Janet and me.

"Look at you meeting new people, as always. Tell them the role of best friend is filled, though. I'd hate to whoop somebody's ass." Tanae said jokingly. She wasn't joking though.

"I know this Nae. You've got nothing to worry about. I promise." I tried to reassure her.

"I ain't worried. They better be." She laughed. "But seriously, people flock to you, so I'm not even surprised that you're going out with folk you've met. You got a good heart though. You have this beautiful aura that surrounds you. That's why you're so easy to love. Just like Mama Catherine."

"I appreciate that, bestie. Please don't make me cry today." Her mentioning my mother would always make me tear up. I looked at the time and realized that my ride would be here shortly and I needed to finish getting ready. "I gotta finish getting myself together so I can get out of here. I'll drop by tomorrow after I land. Kiss my baby for me please."

"Alright, girl. I will, but please enjoy yourself tonight. You deserve it. I love you and be safe." Tanae said.

"Thank you, Nae. And I will. I love you more!" I hung up and walked into the bathroom to finish doing my make up.

I went simple, a little foundation, eye liner, mascara and a gloss for my lips. Since we were staying in, Janet told me to dress chill. I picked my ripped, black, skinny jeans, a white v-neck with my black and white Vans. My curls were popping, thank God. All I had to do was as spray on my YSL perfume and I was ready.

I had opted for the night in. Partially because I had been out and about, exploring the city for the last two days by myself and I was a little tired. I wanted a chill, quiet night with an actual conversation with someone. And if I'm being honest, I had a better chance of being closer to J if we weren't in the public eye. Being closer could mean a lot of things, and I was excited at the possibilities.

Janet had everything planned out. Her chef was going to make our meal. She told me that her son was going to stay with her mother for the night since she had missed him, so we shouldn't have any interruptions. She also said that she'd have Joey pick me up and bring me over so that I wouldn't have to be concerned with transportation. I've never had to not worry about getting things together like this, and I loved it. Normally, I'd stress about the logistics of everything. It was nice to have someone want to take care of those details for me for a change.

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