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It was an unusually slow day for work - both jobs. I had no fires to put out, no meetings to prepare for or rush off to, and no clients that needed saving. It was like an unofficial day off, and I was in no way, shape, or form complaining. I desperately needed this day to just breathe.

I was anxiously waiting for my baby to call me to let me know when we were going to be meeting with the Domestic Violence Awareness Project people so that we could discuss the video. The thought of bringing this idea, this dream, to fruition was one of the most nerve wracking but exciting things that I've ever experienced. And the fact that Janet wanted to do this for me and had the utmost confidence in me boosted the confidence that I had started building in myself. I owe everything to her and to God.

Midway through my workday, I was flipping through the channels on the TV mindlessly when my phone rang and I saw a number that I hadn't seen in quite a while. I didn't know how to feel about it but decided to take the call anyway.

"Hi, Nae."

"Hey, Peyton. Thank you for answering. I just knew that you would have blocked me."

"I was tempted." I wanted to keep my answers and responses short. Give her no more than what I felt that she deserved. A small part of me did miss our friendship, but that part also understood that the betrayal was too much to just overlook or dismiss.

"It's been a while. How have you been?"

"I've been great. How is Taj?"

"We're doing okay." We were both being petty to each other. I honestly didn't care to ask how she was doing.


We sat in silence for a while. I didn't feel that I needed to be the one to break it since I wasn't the one that called. I wasn't the one that needed my conscience cleared. The person who did, however, was dragging her feet for far too long.

"What did you call me for, Nae?"

She took a deep breath before she began talking. "I'm sorry, Peyton. I can't say enough how sorry I am. I lost my best friend, my sister, all because of a choice that I made in a moment of weakness. It should have never happened. And to have kept it from you for as long as I did just made matters worse. I took you for granted and didn't trust that I should've been honest from the beginning. I still may have lost you as a friend, but at least I wouldn't feel like a liar on top of everything else."

I really didn't know what to say, so I said the only thing I could think of.


"I did get Taj tested and he is Greg's son. I know that's hard to hear but I wanted you to know the truth. I can't imagine how you feel knowing that, but you needed to know that much."


"Peyton, please. Can you say something? Anything?"

"I'm not sure what it is that you want or need me to say, Nae. I was hurt. I'm still hurt. Both of you betrayed me in the worst way possible. My best friend slept with the guy that I was in a relationship with and had his baby. A baby that I obviously couldn't give him. And considering how our relationship ended, that was nothing but God's blessing that I didn't. You confirming that he's the Taj's father doesn't make matters better or worse for me. It changes things for you and Taj. That's your information to do with what you need for the sake of raising that handsome little boy that you have."

"He misses you. He misses his Aunt P. He tells me all the time."

"I miss him, too."

"I miss you, Peyton. I miss my sister."

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