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The rain was pouring down outside today, making it a perfect day to stay inside and cuddle up. Eissa was back but was taking a nap. He got dropped off late yesterday evening, which was perfect because that gave Janet and I time to recuperate from our gym activities. We still had plans to go to the zoo tomorrow, so today, we'd figured we'd just relax, and later, watch movies with E Boogie. Before we got too settled, I knew that I needed to make a phone call though.

"Hey, I'm gonna give Tanae a call. I haven't talked to her since the first day that I got here. I know she's going to give me hell." I said, getting up from the sofa and grabbing my phone from the kitchen counter.

"She's your best friend, right?" J asked, turning around and asking from the sofa.

"One of them, yeah. I have a few high school friends that I'm still really close with from home. And then E Boogie."

"Oh, E Boogie, huh? You're always trying to play me." She said, rolling her eyes and turning around.

"You are more than just my best friend, my dear. You're in a class of your own."

"If you say so, Peyton. Don't try to sweet talk me."

I walked up behind her and quickly kissed her cheek before she could move, making a smile grow on her lips. "Stop acting fake mad. You know what you are to me."

"I know, I know. You going to tell Tanae anything about why you're really out here?" She asked, turning back to face me. I had admitted to Janet that everybody thought I was out here on business. We had discussed me telling them that I was in a relationship. Kinda easing the news to them slowly.

"Yeah. Might make dealing with her easier when I get back home."

"I guess we need to talk about that too, huh?"

I leaned over the sofa again and kissed her temple. "Yeah. Later though. When are you going to call your best friend back? He's called you, what, three times now?"

"Yeah, but I really don't want to talk to him right now. He should've never said what he said."

"I understand that. But I think his intentions were good, as poor as the execution was. Give him a chance to apologize. Hear him out, Babe."

"I know. And you're right. Make your call. Imma go check on Eissa real quick. Maybe I'll call Gil while I'm gone." She got up to go upstairs. I sat on a barstool at the kitchen island and called Tanae.

"Hey stranger!" My best friend said into my ear. As much as I despised that phrase, I guess I deserved it.

"What's up Nae?"

"I was going to ask you the same thing! You leave to go to California. Ain't nobody heard from you. You trying to leave me?"

"Now you know I wouldn't actually leave you without telling you. But I am sorry for not communicating. I could've at least sent a text."

"Yes, you could've. Ain't even posted on IG or nothing."

"Whatever, girl." I laughed at her.

"You back home yet, or you still in LA for your business trip?"

"Still in LA. Less business, more pleasure."

"Pleasure?? See, I knew you've been holding out. What's tea, Pey? What you got going on?"

"You so nosey."

"And what? I can't ask about my best friend? Are we even best friends anymore?"

"You're so extra. Yes! We are still best friends, I'm just keeping some things a little private right now."

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