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Happy Valentine's Day, Lovers!!! ❤️


We had landed about an hour or so ago, and made the quick drive to Hillsborough from the airport. We had already checked into our suites, with Tommy and Joey being across the hall from us.

Taking the truck keys from the boys, Peyton decided that she was going to be our tour guide around her town, pointing out her home church, the schools she went to, and a few other places that lead right up to her family home. She pulled into the driveway, and we all exited, but I was stuck on how big the house was and the massive amount of land that it sat on.

This was nothing like I expected. It was a beautiful remodeled two story farmhouse with a wrap-around front porch that sat on about an acre and a half of land. There was an old swing that hung beside the front door. Around the back of the house, you could see a swing set, trampoline, and basketball hoop, all set up for her nieces, I would assume.

"Welcome to my home, everybody. Let me take you inside." She held my hand when we walked up the steps to the front door. "You ready?" She looked over and asked me.

"I'm nervous," Joey spoke up. "What if they don't like me?"

"I was thinking the same thing Joe," Tommy chimed in.

"Shut up!" Peyton laughed looking back at the two of them. They actually were calming me a little because I really was nervous. Turning her attention back to me, I felt her squeeze my hand before she let it go. "I promise, in five minutes, the nerves will be gone." She kissed me, quickly, and opened the front door.

The four of us walked into a very quiet home. You would almost think that no one was there had it not been for the sound of a TV coming from one of the rooms. Taking in the decor of the home, it was beautiful. You could tell that it was decorated by an older woman from all of the pictures and black figurines that were placed around. There were old pictures of family that I really wanted to get a good look at once introductions were out of the way.

Peyton turned to us and whispered, "Watch this." She started singing out loudly. "When you've been blessed..."

Why was she singing Patti LaBelle right now?

"Pass it oooonnnnn. Pass it oooooooonnnn." We all heard a male voice sing back.

Suddenly, a tall bald man, who looked just like my baby, walked down the steps, smiling from ear to ear. I assumed it was her brother.

"Took you long enough to get here, you big dummy." Yep, this had to be Carter Junior.

"Why? Was I supposed to bring you something to grow your hairline back?"

"Naw, I was waiting to shave some hair off your back."

"I hope your asshole falls out, you baboon."

He pulled her into a bear hug and said, "Hi sissy. I missed you. I'm so glad you're here."

"I missed you too, brother," she hugged him back. "Let me introduce you to my friends," she turned around as he dropped his arm over her shoulder. "Brother, this is my very, very good friend Janet, and her security team, Joey and Tommy."

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