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Sleep wasn't coming to me easily tonight. I knew that this was going to happen; it always does. When something exciting or much-anticipated was approaching, my nerves tended to be heightened, so the anxiety of making this video fell on me heavily and as a result, I wasn't going to get much rest over the next few nights.

The thing was, I wasn't even uneasy about the video making part. After we had spent days working out the choreography, sites, wardrobe, and meetings with Dave to iron out any other little detail that would help us get everything shot with minimal hiccups, I was rather at ease with the thought of that aspect of things. Everything had fallen into place perfectly. In fact, I was excited about that part of it. It was my girlfriend, my woman, my rock, that I was worried about.

Granted, I should have tried to talk to her earlier, I was beginning to believe that she would be thrown into this situation that would push her into the deepest and darkest parts of her past. She hadn't shared every small, minute detail of her past relationships with me, and I didn't with her, but I still knew just enough that I should be concerned about how the upcoming days would pan out.

I was in bed with my back to Janet's front with her arm wrapped around my waist and our legs tangled together. I could feel her warm breath on my neck each time she exhaled. It was kind of soothing. The last few nights, it's been one of our favorite positions to be in. I had kinda missed being the little spoon. I had also enjoyed the subtle belly rubs or the sliding of her hand into my panties in the middle of the night that were happening more frequently. But even that didn't excite me earlier tonight.

Glancing at my phone, I noticed that it was going on 3:00 AM. I had been laying here for about two and a half hours, wide awake, while my baby was in a, seemingly, peaceful sleep. Deciding to get up, I tried my best to move out of her embrace without waking her. At first, she groaned and held me tighter. On my second attempt, she released me, allowing me to get out of the bed.

"What's wrong, Baby?" She asked me groggily.

"Nothing, Honey. Go back to sleep. I'll be back." I bent to kiss her temple as she pulled my pillow to her chest and fell back into her slumber. I left our room quietly and walked across my living room to peek in on Eissa. He was knocked out holding on to one of the newest Paw Patrol toys that I had gotten for him. I smiled as I looked at his easel that held a picture that he drew of himself, his mama and me. Now, it was just a bunch of colors scribbled on the paper in three separate sections, but since he told me that it was all of us, no one would ever tell me different.

Closing the door to his room, I went to the kitchen to grab some water and a bowl of strawberries and kiwi that Janet had cut up the day before. I sat down at my island with the light dimmed to the lowest possible point, opened up my text messages and went to a name that I hadn't talked to since I had moved out here. I knew that she would be awake by now. After knowing her for 20 some odd years, I knew that waking up before the sun was a part of her would never change.

Me: Hey. What would it take to get you to LA for a couple of days?

She replied instantly.

Brit: All I need is an invitation. But what the hell are you doing up? You good?

Me: I'm cool. I just wanted to put that on your radar. Let's talk later

Brit: Bet!

I put in my AirPods and opened up YouTube to look at some of Janet's videos. I wasn't looking at her specifically, but was studying each one to look at the different shots, transitions, movements, coloring, and everything else that made each of those videos great.

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