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"Babe, can you come help me for a second?" Janet called out to me from her bathroom. I was in the guest bathroom putting the finishing touches on my makeup and was just about ready for the funeral.

"I'm coming." I hollered back as I walked down the hall to her room.

"Y'all ain't tired of saying or hearing that yet?" Gil hollered to us from downstairs. He was entertaining Eissa since he decided to come over early.

"Sir!" I said back to him, chuckling as I entered the room.

I got to the doorway of the bathroom and stopped dead in my tracks. I was met with a beautiful Janet, standing in the mirror, fixing her hair. Even in funeral attire, she was gorgeous. She caught my gaze in the mirror as she added a bobby pin into her bun.

"What are you staring at, ma'am?" She asked straight faced. I knew that she couldn't stand people staring at her, but sometimes, I just couldn't help it.


She let out a sigh, "Not even close."

"Well, you are in my eyes. What did you need help with?" I asked, still standing in the doorway.

"Can you button the back of this top for me, please? For some reason, I can't get it together today."

"Of course. I got you." I approached her from behind, looking at her from her feet all the way up, then back down, stopping on her ass. Her dress pants were hugging it and her hips so perfectly.

"Focus, Miss Thompson," she caught me in the mirror, squinting her eyes.

"I am, Miss Jackson," I responded as I reached out to touch it but stopped myself. "Girl, you are sitting right right now." Realizing that now was definitely not the time for my antics, I buttoned the back of her top for her, and then placed a soft kiss on her exposed shoulder as an apology. "I'm sorry, that was inappropriate." Then I looked up and met her eyes in the mirror. "You look beautiful, Beautiful."

"Thank you, Baby," she turned and looked me up and down. "You're looking beautiful yourself."

"Thank you. I don't get to dress up too often, so I try my best when I do," I said looking down at my own attire. I had on a black, sleeveless, Hugo Boss dress with patent leather Louboutin heels. I had basic diamond studs in my ears with a simple gold necklace with a matching diamond in the middle. I had straightened my natural curly faux-hawk and my hair looked very similar to the short cut that J rocked at her Essence performance.

"What size are those heels? I might need to borrow them," Janet said looking down at my feet.

"Nuh-uh. No ma'am. I've seen your shoe closet. I'm pretty sure that you already have these."

She laughed, then pulled me into her and rubbed her hands up and down my arms as my hands rested on her waist. She looked up at me and smiled softly.

"You okay?"

"I guess so."

"I know it's a heavy day, but we got you if you need us."

"I know. Thank you so much for being here with me through all of this, Peyton. I don't know how I would've made it without you."

"I'm glad that I could help, and I'm glad that you let me in." I leaned in and kissed her gently so as to not mess up our lipstick. "I'm going to go downstairs with Gil and Eissa."

"Okay, I'll be down in a few minutes."

I walked out of her room and back to the guest room to get my purse and phone. As I picked up my phone, I saw that I had a text message from my dad.

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