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Peyton had been running through my head all day. We lucked out in there being a flight, early for me, late for her, that she could get on, and that she was willing to take on such short notice. The long flight with a short layover, and six hour time difference, would have my baby here for us to actually spend a little bit of time together, have dinner and then rest up for shows for the next two nights.

Eissa's fever had yet to break as it was hovering between 102 and 103. No more symptoms popped up, but still lethargic and fussy. It was a long shot, but I was hoping that Peyton being here would help him feel a little better. At least enough that we'd be able to get out of this room for an hour or so before we had to move on to the next city.

While my son had been sleeping peacefully, I had a few meetings to tend to in the meantime. I scheduled some studio time with Jimmy and Terry to get a few ideas out for a new song, and possible new album. Being in love had a funny way of getting my creative juices flowing again. I had received invitations to several awards shows that were coming up that I ultimately declined. I was also invited to another benefit show in the next few months and was asked if I'd be willing to contribute, but my answer was still in the air for that one. I needed to run a few things by my team first before committing to anything else, especially while I was already still on tour. I had a few movie scripts to read through that I could either be acting in or producing, but that, too, was something that I would be putting on the back burner. Needless to say, I had a lot going on.

A soft knock pulled my focus from my work. Glancing at the time, it was mid afternoon, and I wasn't entirely sure when my girl would be here. Tommy had gone with the driver to pick her up from the airport a little while ago, but I hadn't heard from him since. A soft voice alerted me, quickly, that it was housekeeping bringing up the towels that I had requested. Letting her in, she left fresh towels on the nearby table and grabbed the used ones that I had left by the door. I was so anxious about Peyton getting there, I even peeked down the hallway once housekeeping left, just in case I saw her coming towards me.

Twenty minutes later while sitting at the desk on my laptop responding to an email, my phone pinged letting me know that I had a text message. Opening my phone quickly, I saw that it was from Tommy.

Tommy: There's a package at your door, Boss.

I smiled before sending my appreciation and walking to the door. Opening it quickly, Peyton was standing there with a smile slowly growing on her face. She looked breathtaking.

"Hi, Beautiful."

"Hi, Baby. Come on in."

I stepped to the side, giving her space to come in with her bags. She dropped all of her things along the wall quickly as I closed the door back and locked it. Her eagerness made me chuckle to myself as I knew what she was about to do, and I was ready for it. Reaching out for me, I grabbed her hand, allowing her to pull me into her. Arms wrapped my waist as mine went around her neck. Our lips met in a long overdue kiss. She then trailed kisses down my jawline, down to my neck where she nuzzled in and took a deep breath as I rocked us back and forth. In typical fashion, her soft hands found their way under my shirt to rub on my skin. It was starting to be the only way that I wanted her to hug me.

"I've missed you so much, J. I've missed just being able to do this," she said, sounding muffled. Her lips moving on my neck tickled a bit, causing me to giggle a little.

"Oh, Baby. I've missed you so much, too." We pulled back from our embrace and she took a step back, looking me over from head to toe.

"How is it possible that you've gotten more beautiful since we were last together?"

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