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"How's Cali been treating you, little sister?"

"Everything has been great so far. No complaints at all."

"You move in with Janet yet?" Nico asked.

I chuckled at him. "Naw. But we've seen each other everyday for the last month and it's been amazing. Things couldn't be better."

"Yall in love love."

"Completely. That's my heart. And Boogie? That's my boy. It's us against her all the time. It drives her crazy." I couldn't help the smile on my face.

"I'm so happy for you, for real. You really deserve all of this happiness, sis."

"Thank you big brother. I appreciate that." I was on my way to Janet's house when Nico called to ask me something but we were still stuck on how things were going for me. "What's up though?"

"So, you know my Coley Girl has a birthday coming up."

"Yup yup. Our baby girl is about to be nine."

"Right. And I was thinking about taking her and her sister somewhere to celebrate. And since you're already in California, I was thinking we could come out there, stay for a few days, and go to Disneyland."

"You wanna bring them out here to Disneyland?" I asked him as I pulled up to Janet's gate to put the code in.

"I mean, I've always wanted to take them somewhere like that, and everybody always says it's for all ages."

"It definitely is. Hell, I wanna go with yall!"

"Well come on then. Bring Janet and Eissa, too."

"You serious?" I asked him while putting the truck in park.

"Yeah. I don't see why not."

"I'm just now getting to her house. I'll ask her and will let you know what she says, but I'm sure she's down if she's free."

"Bet. Well, tell her we all said hi and we miss her. We miss you too, you pumpkin faced midget."

"I miss my girls too. You can go back to the sewers with your turtles, Master Splinter. I love you, Brother Bear."

"Love you too, Sissy. Talk to you soon."

I smiled and disconnected the call. I used my key to get in and walked into J's house, expecting to see her in the living room or kitchen but was met with complete silence.

"Babe!" I hollered, standing next to the steps.

"In the office, Honey!" I heard her call back.

I left my keys, phone and purse on the barstool in the kitchen. Peeking in the refrigerator, I grabbed a bottle of water and swiped a cookie from the jar. Boogie and I loved these things.

Heading in the direction of the office, I heard her talking with someone. Once I peeked inside of the room, she was sitting behind the desk on her cell phone. Her hair was pulled up into a messy bun and she had on some glasses that she only ever really wore when she was handling business. I told her she should handle business more often because she looked yummy in them - and could get all the business.

I watched as she put the phone down on the desk. She stood up as I leaned over and pecked her lips before greeting her.

"Hi, Baby."

"Mmm, I need another one of those," she requested. I smiled and leaned back in, giving her another kiss, lingering a little longer. "Hi, my love," she said with a smile when we finally parted. "You're looking rather sexy. I like leather on you," she said, looking me up and down.

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