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Me: wyd

My ❤️: nothing...just got out of the shower

Me: oh, so you're nice and wet?

My ❤️: lol something like that

Me: interesting, me too

My ❤️: 👀

Me: I was laying here thinking about you and then 🌊🌊🌊🌊

My ❤️: pic or i don't believe you

Me: come over and see for yourself

My ❤️: not you hittin me up for a booty call 😂

Me: 🙈🙈

Me: I need you...she needs you

My ❤️: mmm i could use a midnight snack 😛👅

Me: please...plus, i think you owe me. My back is still in tact

My ❤️: that's true

My ❤️: omw, don't touch anything, just wait for me

Me: I'm touching her now...

My ❤️: Don't play with me Mita 😠

Laughing at the last message, I placed my phone on the charger on my nightstand. I had already showered, Eissa had been knocked out for an hour, and I was wide awake, yearning for the touch of my girl. And if I knew her as well as I thought I did, she was about to make a twenty minute trip in about half of that time, but would need five minutes before she even left her place. So, I had about fifteen minutes to prepare. She had completely spoiled me; I have no shame in admitting that, especially when I knew that I was about to have a fun filled night.

We were so consumed in planning everything for the video shoot that we were either too tired, or otherwise preoccupied to really 'celebrate'. We shared nothing more than a quick passing kiss on our way to our next task. So tonight was needed, and I highly doubted that I would be the only one to admit that.

I went to put on a little bit of the perfume that I knew she loved, as every time I wore it, she couldn't keep her hands off of me. My hair was in its natural, curly state and hung right over my shoulders. I went and grabbed one of my vibrators from the drawer, only as a means to tease Peyton with it once she arrived. Making her believe that I was too impatient to wait for her, and decided to pleasure myself would surely get me the reaction from her that I truly wanted. It was something that I learned about her since she's been living closer.

Hearing my front door close, I looked over at the clock on my nightstand. I grinned to myself - fifteen minutes on the dot. I hurried and got under my comforter. I started to time her movements. First, she would grab us water from the refrigerator. The refrigerator door had just closed. Then, she would make her way upstairs. I heard her footsteps getting louder on each step. She would peek in to check on Eissa. A bedroom door opens for a few seconds and closes softly. Finally, she was on her way to me.

The light from the TV was the only that provided light for the entire room. I turned the vibrator on and placed it on myself. Granted, I could've been doing this all along, but truth be told, I only really wanted all of my pleasure to come from her tonight. Suddenly, I could see my door being pushed open. She walked in wearing a tank top that stopped right below her breasts. Her lounge pants hung off her hips slightly. She had something in her hands besides the two bottles of water that she had grabbed on her way up. It looked like a bag of some sort, but I couldn't be sure in the dark.

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