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After I had showered and gotten dressed, the Kids, crew and I all went out to celebrate my birthday at Playhouse. I'm generally not one to go out to party after a show but it is my birthday and the last show for a couple of weeks. I didn't plan on doing much more dancing tonight, so I really just chilled in the VIP section of the club. The Kids seemed to be having a great time, and drinks were flowing all around.

As I sipped some water after on my third martini, I sat and wondered more about Peyton. I hope that she had gotten my note and would text or call or something. I just had to know more about her. I know that she said that she had just broken up with her boyfriend, but I was slightly curious about her. Has she ever dated women? Would she consider it? Hell, would I consider it? I've dabbled a little in the past, just to experiment a bit, but there was something intriguing about Peyton. Something kept her fresh on my mind, and I wanted to figure out what that something was.

"Birthday QUEEEEEEEENNNNN!!!" Gil screeched flopping back next to me in the booth. He was doing more celebrating than I was, but if your friend didn't share your birthday with you like this, were they really your friend?

"Hey Boo, you enjoying yourself?" I asked him.

"The liquor is great but these men are better. Why are you sitting over here by yourself? You should be up dancing with us!"

"I'm fine over here. I'm just enjoying watching you guys have fun." I said taking another sip and glancing at my phone for the thousandth time tonight.

"Stop watching your phone. She'll text when she's ready to text. Now come on!" Gil reached out his hand to me.

I smiled, downed the rest of my water and took his hand. If anyone knows how to get me on the dance floor, it's my bestie.

After a few songs, multiple dance breaks by my dancers and a couple of shots, I returned to the booth to take a break. I can't hang like I used to but I was still really enjoying myself. There were fans all around the club, but they kept their distance, respectfully. I was definitely appreciative of it. I enjoyed having these moments out with friends without being bombarded. Don't get me wrong, I love my fans, but I enjoy the occasional peaceful night out as well.

The waiter came over and brought me another martini that I didn't order. Confused, I asked him "Who is this from?"

He turned and pointed "It's from the person at the other end of the bar." I leaned over to see, but my view was obscured by, well, everyone. Suddenly, I felt my phone vibrate. I had received a text message from an unknown number that read:

This round's on me. Happy birthday from one Taurus Queen to another. - Peyton

I instantly smiled. My heart sped up, surprisingly. Why was I reacting like this? I looked at the bar again and there she stood, across the bar with her glass raised in a toast. She not only texted, she actually showed up. But how did she know I was here? I lifted mine as well and took a long drink. I texted her back:

I'll be over in a second.

I went to Joey to let him know where I would be, just so that he could keep an eye out. I was trying to find Gil to let him know too, but he was nowhere to be found. He'd find me if he needed to. He always does.

As I approached Peyton, she was already watching me walk to her with a bright smile on her face. She is so sexy. Maybe I'm drunker than I thought.

"What are you doing here?" I asked her, just a little curious.

"I heard some people talking at my hotel about this place so I decided to check it out. Looks like I decided right." she said offering me the seat beside her. "Are you enjoying your birthday?"

"I AM!" I said a little louder than I had intended. "The music here is great, the atmosphere is dope, and someone kindly sent me this drink." I winked at her.

"Well, that was awfully sweet. Must be a fan?"

"It was my new bestie." I said smiling at her. "Did you enjoy the show?"

"Did I?" Her eyes lit up. "It was amazing. You were amazing. I don't know who's in charge of your wardrobe, but that hoodie at the end was pretty dope." She laughed.

I laughed at her "It was pretty nice. It was a gift from someone really, really sweet." She looked at me and licked her lips subtly. There was a slight twitch down below. What is she doing to me right now?

"Well, I'm sure they care about you a lot to do something like that." She responded taking another sip of her drink. "I hope that you didn't mind another martini. I had to ask the bartender what you were already drinking."

"It's perfectly fine. Thank you so much for sending it over." I looked at her glass and she had some dark liquor. This could get interesting. "What are you drinking on?"

"This is my second Henny and apple juice. It's an old favorite."

"Oh, so you're a Hennessy drinker, huh?"

"Sometimes. It'll either calm my nerves or get me in the mood..." She locked eyes with me. "Or both." There was a sudden change in her eyes that I liked, but made me nervous at the same time. I needed to change the subject before I got in too deep.

"So you said from one Taurus queen to another? When is your -" I was interrupted by Gil coming over and draping his arm around me.

"Girl, you done left the booth and I couldn't find y- wait, who are we chatting with?" He said, clearly feeling all of his liquor, looking in her direction.

"Hi Gil, I'm Peyton. I happen to be a fan of your work, too! It's nice to meet you!" she said reaching over to shake his hand.

"Biiiiiiiitch, you're Peyton? You were right Booty, she is gorgeous." I instantly started to blush and lowered my head so that she couldn't see me.

"Gorgeous? Is that right, Booty?" Peyton said directing her question to me. I looked up and she had a smirk on her face. Dammit, even that was sexy. "What are you drinking Gil?" She asked him to divert attention away from me.

"Whatever you buy me, honey! I'm not picky." He replied, sneaking in between Peyton and me. She turned and ordered him a drink - it sounded like she said red headed slut. Sounds appropriate for him since he has a thing for gingers. She and Gil chatted while waiting for his drink. If I didn't know better, they were flirting innocently with each other. Back up bestie - both of you! Once the bartender placed his drink down, we all toasted before Gil danced off.

"I'm so sorry about him. He has no filter." I apologized.

"It's no problem at all. He's very animated. Seems like a good time." She chuckled.

"Yeah, until he's not!"

"I hear you. You were asking something before he came over." Peyton said. Maybe she wasn't going to bring up the gorgeous comment. Thank God.

"Yes, I was. The Taurus Queens thing. When is your birthday?"

She slightly turned her body away from me and held her drink up to her lips. Before taking a sip, she lowly said "In two days."

"Wait a minute. You're out here, by yourself, right before your birthday? And you're buying us drinks? No ma'am." I said shaking my head. "Come with me." I grabbed her hand and pulled her to the VIP section with me. There's no way I was going to leave her over there by herself now.

When I turned to look at her over my shoulder, I caught her looking at my ass and biting on the corner of her bottom lip. "And you said I was gorgeous."

This night was about to get really interesting.

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