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For the last few weeks, I'd been drowning in work. I had decided to take the contractor position, with heavy convincing from Janet. It would start in 6 weeks, and I would have to take a step back from some of my duties at my current job, which meant getting people up to speed on everything that I do, quickly. While I had grown accustomed to delegating projects, upper management meetings, creating all of my videos and conducting trainings in person or virtually, I'd now have a reduced load consisting of monitoring and supporting only when necessary. I had honestly wanted to quit, but they talked me out of it, mainly because I'd be keeping most of my salary and all of my benefits. They knew a lot of the client base would potentially leave if they knew I was gone. Top that with the additional six figures I would be making as a contractor for the next two years, it would be easy extra money. Both jobs would, now, allow me to be completely remote. No more coming into this office. Plus, nothing was really keeping locked down to Atlanta anymore. I could be flexible and travel while working. Everything was looking up for me. Way up, I feel blessed, in my Riley Curry voice.

Janet had been traveling between Los Angeles and Vegas for the last couple of weeks, spending as much time with Joseph as she could. Our communication was a little more limited than usual. Her father was declining fast, and their time together was running out. Work was taking a lot of my time. And this three hour time zone difference made it difficult to really catch up like we used to. We'd chat here and there but texting was sustaining us here lately. That was nothing compared to hearing her voice or her laugh. I missed my girl.


I had just gotten off of a call in my office when my cell phone rang with Janet's name on my screen. I still get butterflies whenever she calls. Call me a simp, I'd be one for her any day.

"Hey Beautiful," I spoke into the phone.

"Hi Honey!"

"You sound mighty chipper today. What's gotten you in this mood?"

"Well, I wasn't really having the greatest day, but, I just walked in the door and was greeted with the most beautiful bouquet of flowers with a card attached."

"Aww, that's nice. What did the card say?"

"All it said was 'Virtual date tonight? I miss you. P' You wanna take me on a date?"

The date was less about me wanting to have some face time with her, although I definitely wanted to see her. But it was more of my way of making sure she was taking a little bit of time to herself, that she was eating, and that she had a moment, a modicum of peace.

"Of course I do. But we have some limitations right now, so I figured we could do dinner together on Zoom. I'll order you food and wine and get it delivered to you, and I'll get the same delivered to me."

"That sounds really sweet. How about I order something special for you and you order for me?"

This woman always has to pay for something. Maybe it's her love language. I was game though.

"Okay. You can order me whatever, but I don't want that vegan pizza you tried to give your dancers."

She gasped in offense, "They enjoyed that pizza."

"They lied. They were hungrier after they ate it."

"You're awful," she laughed. "Fine, I promise, no pizza."

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