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I would never deny the fact that I love Peyton's lips on mine, or mine on hers. It was something that I caught myself thinking and fantasizing about more times than I would ever care to admit. This moment would be no different. In fact, this one would probably make its way to my top three favorite make out moments with her. Laying on top of her, both of us in our naked glory, I couldn't keep my hands or mouth to myself, and neither could she. Biting on each other's lips, sucking on each other's tongues, hands caressing and squeezing on to various body parts, we were creating a new level of intimacy that we had not yet experienced before.

I knew that after she had made me cum that she wanted to continue, but I wanted to get my round in before she got on a roll and I no longer had the energy to do so. It had really been my mission since our encounter in the bathroom earlier. Plus, after hearing all that she had just dealt with, I wanted to be here for her. I wanted to take her mind off of it. I wanted to remind her of the love that I have for her. Tonight, she was going to feel me.

Moving my kisses to her neck, I busied myself on her spot to get her a little worked up. She wrapped one of her legs around my waist which allowed me to grind my hips into her. It created just enough friction for her to moan softly in my ear causing a tingle to shoot through my body.

Propping myself up a little, I traced my thumb along her bottom lip as she flicked her tongue out to lick it. The subtle action made me gasp slightly, making her smile before I captured her lips again. I reached in between us, making my way to her womanhood and slowly rubbed circles onto her. She let out a puff of air, finally getting the touch that she had been needing.

"Yes, J..."

I then slipped two fingers into her, making her arch her body into me as her breath got caught in her throat.

"You're so wet, Baby," I whispered against her lips. I kissed down her jawline as I started to slide in and out of her. "So fucking tight," I growled in her ear, sinking deeper into her. Her moans and whispers were like music to my ears, getting me off to no end.

I took my time stroking into her cave at a moderate, steady pace while I gave her breasts the attention that they needed. She held onto me by the back of my neck, gently pulling me into her. Licking and sucking onto her nipples, I could feel her wetness multiplying. Sliding out, I rubbed on her clit again, applying enough pressure to make her body jolt up into mine. I felt her move beneath me, grinding her hips into my fingers.

"You feel so fucking good, Baby," she got out breathlessly.

I slid back into her, plunging my fingers faster and faster with each stroke. She began to whimper in a high pitch as I massaged her spot at every pass. Suddenly, I felt her grip on my fingers tighten. I smirked to myself because she's never cum so fast before. Hearing her wetness as I worked into her damn near made me do the same. I pushed deeper and faster into her, and her chest heaved to catch up with her breaths.

"So soon, Baby?" I asked moving back up to look at her. I slowed my strokes inside her, calming her enough to keep her orgasm at bay.

"Baby, no, please," she pleaded with me. "Keep going."

I knew she wanted it, and I wanted to give it to her, but I still had more to give her. I shook my head at her. "Not yet."

I sat up on my knees and slid my fingers out of her, placing them on my tongue to suck her juices off. "So damn good." I reached back and grabbed both of her ankles up and placed them on each of my shoulders. I licked and kissed my way from her calves, to her knees, her thighs, and when her legs were finally hanging over my shoulders, I was inches away from her slicked goodness, and I placed a kiss on her clit. My arms wrapped around her thighs, giving them a firm squeeze in my hands before I dove in.

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