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Joey and Tommy met us back at the house after they were back from fishing with Peyton's dad. All three of the men were excited about the catches they made, and were equally excited for the fish fry that was going to come. Since the sleepover was girls only, according to Nicole, they took the truck and went back to the hotel for the night, as we had already stopped and grabbed some clothes on our way back from bowling.

While we were getting our things together, Peyton got me up to speed on Nico figuring out that we were more than friends, and were actually a couple. For some reason, I wasn't that surprised that he didn't react to the news that his little sister was with a woman. From what I had learned from him in a day, he's a really chill, go with the flow, "if it ain't hurting anybody, what's the problem" kind of guy.

Peyton, the girls, and I watched movies and ate ice cream in Jordan's room, seeing as how she had the bigger room and had the extra bed. Nicole had taken a quick liking to me and was cuddled up with me as we watched the movie. Jordan, happily, was attached to her aunt's hip as they halfway watched the movie and laughed at videos on Jordan's phone. Their interaction was one of the cutest things I had ever seen. Little Nicole had ended up dozing off first, then Jordan shortly after. Instead of us trying to move them, we decided to let them sleep where they were, cozied up next to each of us.

This morning, I was awakened when I heard some movement coming from the other side of the room. Opening my eyes slightly, I saw Peyton slowly sitting up in the bed, then reaching over Jordan to grab her phone from the nightstand. Nicole stirred in her sleep a little, settling into the warmth of my side. The subtle movement made me smile. Glancing down at her, two thoughts quickly ran through my mind: I missed my Eissa terribly, and it wouldn't be so bad to have a cute little girl of our own some day, Lord permitting.

Peyton quietly slipped out of the bed and stretched a little before walking around it to kiss her eldest sleeping niece's forehead. I could softly hear her say, "TT loves you, Baby." I closed my eyes and pretended to be asleep, not wanting her to know that I had caught her in such a sweet moment. She walked to our bed, leaned down and kissed Nicole's temple. "TT loves you, little one," she repeated to her. I heard her footsteps walk around the bed and soon approach my side, then I felt her lightly press her lips to the corner of my mouth and she whispered, "I love you, Baby."

I couldn't help but smile while opening my eyes slowly, catching her gaze before she stood back up completely. I pulled her back towards me and lifted my head to kiss her lips softly. "I love you too, Baby," I whispered back to her, making her beam.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to wake you," she whispered, now standing straight up. "Go back to sleep. I'm going to go start breakfast for everyone."

"You don't want any help? I don't mind."

"Stay. Rest, please?"

"Okay," I retreated. She kissed me once more before leaving the room. I had to admit, I was a little relieved that she didn't want my help so that I could sleep a little longer. I was super comfortable and didn't really want to move.

I dozed off for a little bit, and was awakened by the smells of breakfast being cooked. I wasn't exactly sure what it was, but it damn sure smelled great. Blinking my eyes to adjust to the sunlight that was shining into the room, I saw that Jordan was awake and was talking quietly on her phone. I heard her say "I haven't told my family yet. I want to tell my aunt first. I just hope she doesn't get mad."

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