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How did I even get here? I started my day on a plane, coming to a concert for my favorite artist. Now, that artist is pulling me by the hand to her VIP section. And she just caught me looking at her ass.

No regrets for that though.

Janet pulled me into the booth with her and signaled for the waiter.

"Can I get a Henny and apple juice, another martini, 4 green tea shots and a couple of waters? Please?"

The waiter nodded as he jotted down her order and walked back to the bar.

"Did you like what you saw?" She asked, leaning in so that I could hear her over the music.

"Definitely. I saw it earlier when you were dancing, but getting a close up view?" I did the chef's kiss motion.

"So why didn't you come out to dance with me?"

"Oh, I wanted to, believe me, but I was a too nervous."

"And now?"

"I'd take you up on that offer in a heartbeat." I answered honestly. "There's still time though. Right?" I looked her in her eyes. She smiled. I melted.

"We'll see."

The waiter came back with our drinks a little quicker than I expected. We took the shots immediately, just to get them out of the way. We people watched and chatted some more as the next few songs played in the club. Between the darkness of the corner that we were in, the music and the lights bouncing all over, I was definitely feeling no more nerves. Boldness. That's what I was really feeling. Boldness was coursing through my body. I was dancing to "God's Plan" when I looked over at Janet who was also gyrating to the beat. Her body was rolling and my mind was reeling. I slid a little closer to her and snuck my arm around her waist. My hand rested on her hip.

I brought my lips to her ear and said "So, Booty thinks I'm gorgeous? Tell me what else she thinks."

I watched her try not to smile but the corners of her sexy lips curled upwards slowly. She leaned into me and responded "That was something that you weren't supposed to know about. But I meant it. You are." She looked at me and bit her lip subtly. "And your hand on my hip is making me feel a certain type of way. Or maybe it's the alcohol."

"It's not the alcohol. That's all me." I said, smiling and slightly pulling her closer to me by her hip. She reciprocated by placing her hand on my leg under the table.

"Are you always this confident?"

"Absolutely not. That's definitely the alcohol." She giggled. The sound of her laugh, along with the placement of her hand was turning me on. "But for real, tell me. What else do you think?"

"Well, I feel like there's something about you that draws people in. Maybe it's your eyes. You have really beautiful eyes."

"Thank you. I get that a lot though." I responded. "The drawing people in, not the eye thing." I clarified. I took another long sip of my drink. I leaned back in to ask another question, but Gil and a few of the dancers came over to us.

"Don't y'all look cozy and comfortable." He said. Suddenly, Janet leaned away from me a bit. I figured she didn't want to give anyone the wrong idea given that we were sitting rather closely. I know that she's pretty private and has an image to protect, but I couldn't help wanting to be close to her.

"Peyton, come dance with me. Show me what ya got, lil mama." He said. Gil is my kind of people. Fun. Always down for a good time.

"Only if Janet comes with us."

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