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Sleep my love
Don't you worry
You just sleep my love
And I'll stroke your hair
Oh the sunlight on your face
As the day begins to break
When you wake
And your smile meets mine ah
My day begins
You're my inspiration
Seeing your face glow
Is the nicest of hellos...

"Good morning, my love." I said smiling at Peyton as she slowly opened her eyes. I had been laying here for the last 45 minutes, or so, just watching her sleep, softly touching her cheek, and placing soft kisses on her lips. She had gotten in late last night, well after I had put Eissa to bed. After she had showered and changed, we talked for a little bit before drifting off to sleep.

She returned my smile with one of her own. "Good morning, Beautiful," she said with her deep, scratchy voice that made me bite down on my lip. I really wanted to pin her down and have my way with her, but that, among other things, would have to come later. "How long have you been awake?"

"Mmm, not quite an hour."

"And you were just watching me sleep?" She asked, pulling the covers up over her shoulder, attempting to hide her face.

"Yep. It's honestly one of my favorite things to do."

"That's not creepy at all," she laughed.

"It's the only time I can just watch you without you scrunching your face or turning away from me." I pulled the blanket down and pecked her lips quickly. "I just like what I see."

"Wait. Let me go brush my teeth really quick. You in here all minty fresh." She jumped up and went into the bathroom. Not taking too long, she came back and crawled back into bed. She pulled me in close to her and connected our lips again. "Now, that's better. Did you sleep okay?"

"Better than I have the last few nights. And then seeing your face when I opened my eyes? Made my day." She smiled shyly and tried to hide from me again. "Stop that. I quite enjoy waking up to you, you know."

"I love waking up to you too. It's just too bad I'm all the way across the country though. And you're getting ready to go on tour, so we're not going to be able to do it for a while."

"But the tour will only be for two months. What about after that?"

"What do you mean?"

"I mean, do you want to live all the way across the country?"

Her eyes got a little bigger at my question. She didn't answer for a moment. "I'd be lying if I said I didn't think about it. Not necessarily moving in here with you, but maybe getting an apartment nearby or something."

"Why wouldn't you want to move in here?" Not that I would mind either way, but I just wanted to know more of what she was thinking. I would give anything to have her closer.

"While we love each other, I'm not sure about living together just yet. I don't want us to crowd each other. Sometimes I think that we work so well because we have our own spaces and we're not constantly up under each other. So when we are together, it just makes it that much better. But to make it clear," she rolled onto her back and pulled me on top of her and grabbed my ass. "I love being up under you."

I laid my head down on her chest after kissing her again. "I get it. I understand. Let's just revisit it down the road. I don't want us to spend this short amount of time talking about that when we could be talking about something else."


"Like when did you know that you were in love with me?"

"Who told you I was?" She laughed.

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