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I was awakened the next morning with the sun light beaming right in my face. The warmth felt amazing, but just a little odd since it never shined in my face like this. As reality started to sink in, I wasn't in my bed, but in Janet's, but where was she? I sat up in the bed and looked around, getting my bearings. I grabbed my phone to check the time; 9:37am, after noon back home. I'm sure work questions and emails are piling up. Not really too concerned though. Placing my phone back on the nightstand, I noticed a letter with my name on it.

My Peyton Faith
You have no idea what your being here means to me. THANK YOU for coming. I didn't realize that I didn't want to be alone until you showed up. I appreciate the kind, warm soul that you are, and your offering of being here for me in my time of need. I didn't want to wake you before I left, I know that you had an extra long day yesterday. I went to go check on Mother, and to start making arrangements with the rest of the family. Help yourself to anything that you need. I'll text you later. - J

I smiled and put the note back on the night stand. I grabbed my phone, again, to text Janet, but was greeted with an incoming message from her instead.

Janet: Hey, are you up?

Me: Yeah, I was just about to text you. How long have you been gone?

Janet: Since around 7

Me: Damn, I was knocked out! Didn't notice a thing, my bad

Janet: It's okay, Honey. You were exhausted

Me: I was. How is everyone? How are you?

Janet: We're as well as we can be. Thank you. Help yourself to anything

Me: Thank you! I'll just make a quick breakfast and get some work done

Janet: Okay, cool. If you need to leave, the keys to the cars are in the desk drawer in my office

Janet: And, thank you again for last night

Me: J, you never have to thank me for being there for you. There was nothing more important. I'm where I want to be

Janet: You're too sweet

Me: You deserve it

Janet: I'll talk to you soon

Me: Later, J. And I promise not to burn or break anything 😉

Janet: 😂😘

I went to the guest bed and bathrooms to get ready for the day. I grabbed my laptop from my work bag and went downstairs to make breakfast and start work. Looking in the refrigerator, I noticed that there was an abundance of healthy food and realized that this breakfast was going to be very slim. I made the same breakfast that she made for me the morning that I left. Making my way around the kitchen, I realized that I could get used to this. Waking up in her bed, making food in this kitchen, working from home- I mean here.

My phone rang, and when I looked at the caller ID, I saw that it was Tanae.

"What's up bestie?"

"What you doing, girl? You in the office or at home? Me and your godson wanna see you."

Shit! I didn't tell anyone that I was flying to California last night. Not even my family. I honestly didn't even think about it. I was on a mission.


"Where you at?"

"Last minute work trip. Had to come back to LA. Someone needed my support." It wasn't a lie.

"Damn, must be nice. When you coming back?"

"Not sure yet, still trying to iron out some things. I'll let you know for sure when I find out."

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