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I was awakened by a soft touch slowly moving up and down my back. I opened my eyes and lifted my head. I was met by Peyton's beautiful eyes, looking back at me. After getting Eissa to bed last night, she and I ended back up on the couch talking all night. Learning each other's favorite movies, TV shows, songs, foods, anything that would keep me distracted from thinking about my father. She was being so patient with me. So caring and thoughtful. She'd ask occasionally if she could do anything for me. I was content on just being in her arms until we both dozed off.

"Good morning beautiful," she said breaking the silence.

"Good morning gorgeous," I countered. She playfully rolled her eyes. "Nope, if I gotta take it, so do you."

"Fine, fine. No arguments here."

"What time is it?" I sat up and stretched a bit.

"It's almost 7."

"Come on. Follow me." I grabbed her hand and pulled her up with me. We walked upstairs to my bedroom and into my bathroom. I handed her a new toothbrush and some toothpaste.

"Oh my God, thank you! I swear I didn't wanna be up in your face with morning breath."

"And I wasn't going to let you either."


We chuckled at each other. We both brushed our teeth, being playful with each other doing so. She went back downstairs and I went to go check on Eissa, who was still knocked out. When I made it back downstairs, Peyton was sitting in the kitchen at my island.

"I know you have to get going. I'll get Joey to take you back to your hotel to get your things and then to the airport."

"I appreciate that."

"It's the very least I can do since you stayed with me last night." I went to the refrigerator and grabbed two bottles of water and handed her one. "Would you like a quick breakfast? I have to cook for Eissa anyway."

"Thank you, and yes. I should be okay. I really don't need much though. I try not to eat too heavy before a flight."

"I get it." As I was getting things together to cook, Peyton was looking in her phone.

"Hey, Janet. Mind if I post this picture to my IG? It's the one from our meet and greet."

"Don't mind at all. Well, hold on. Lemme see it first. Make sure I look alright." I walked over to her and leaned over her arm to look at her phone. "Yeah, I look okay."

"You look more than okay. You're as flawless as ever," she said kissing my cheek.

"So damn sweet." I turned away from her so she wouldn't see me blush. I grabbed my own phone to text Joey about picking Peyton up. Once I was done, I turned my attention back to getting breakfast ready. "So, wait a minute. You do have an IG page."

"Yeah. Why'd you say it like that?" She had a puzzled look on her face.

"Gil said - shit." I got quiet. I didn't want her to know that we had looked her up but I think I had already said too much.

"Gil said what? Y'all looked me up, didn't you?" She asked with that sexy smirk on her face.

"Not y'all. He did. He said he couldn't find you though. All he found was a private page that looked like a children's hospital."

She was smiling, trying to contain her laughter. "Janet Jackson was stalking me on IG."

"No I wasn't!"

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