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As I walked off the stage for the last show that we had in Belgium, I had to hurry and get changed for the meet and greets. So far, they've been going pretty well. Joey, Tony and team have been getting people in and out quickly. And I didn't think that tonight would be any different. I was honestly looking forward to it, considering that we didn't have shows for the next two nights, we'd be on our way to Paris tonight, and I'd be free to enjoy the city with Eissa and the entire crew.

The Kidz and team have been thoroughly enjoying themselves on this leg of the tour. Partying at clubs from the various cities, having mini parties on the bus as we traveled - really living it up. As they should. I, on the other hand, was occupied with entertaining my baby boy and taking care of business. I had a few projects in the works back at home that needed my attention while I was on the road. Sure, I could have my assistant watch Eissa on the days when I didn't have any meetings, but he was with me, and he was my responsibility. She did let me indulge every once in a while when she could sense that I needed a break or release. And on a few of those nights, that release came from a battery operated boyfriend and conversations with my girlfriend. I really, REALLY missed her.

I missed how she lights up when she sees Eissa and me. How her silliness makes me laugh. How she always has to be touching me whenever we're within inches of each other. How she pouts when she doesn't get her way. How all stress magically goes away when I'm in her arms. How she reaches for me, or pulls me closer to her in her sleep. How she kisses me. How she feels, and how she makes me feel, when she's inside me. How she sounds when she moans my name when I'm inside her. How she tastes. How my heart skips a beat when she smiles, or melts when I catch her looking at me. How my soul is at peace when it connects with hers. I'm crazy about that woman.

Getting lost in my own thoughts, I was quickly brought back to reality when there was a soft knock on the door. Knowing that it was Joey, I stuck my head out, all for him to let me know that we needed to be on our way in about 10 minutes. Making my final touches, I looked over my camouflage jumper and boots, make up, and hair, then I picked up my phone to give Peyton a quick Facetime call. When she picked up, I saw a light blue, decorative wall that I didn't recognize, but was quickly greeted by her voice and smile when her face popped into the camera.

"Mm mm mm. You are just so damn fine," she said with her sexy lips curled into a smile.

"And hello to you, too, Baby," I laughed back at her.

"Sorry, you are just- nevermind." She shook her head to herself before addressing me again. "Hey Baby! How was your show?"

"It was great, as always. I swear I have the best people around me for this tour."

"I'm sure they'd say that they have a pretty amazing boss as well."

"Maybe. Where are you?"

"At the hospital."

Internally, my heart dropped, and I was two seconds away from canceling the rest of the tour and hopping my ass on the first flight to Atlanta.

"Hospital? Why are you at the hospital? What's going on? What's wrong?" I asked, knowing that she could hear the hysterics in my voice.

"Baby, calm down. I'm fine. I promise. I'm at the children's hospital. I came in to volunteer for a few hours, and later, I have a meeting with the director."

"Oh my God. Girl!!" I took a deep breath, trying to regulate my heartbeat. "Please don't scare me like that."

"Hindsight, I shouldn't have said it like that. I'm sorry, Love."

"I should beat you."

"Ooo, please do!" She retorted, making me chuckle at her.

"So a meeting with the director. Is everything okay?"

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