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A promise is a promise...


Our evening went by way too fast. After we had finished talking about my situation, J and I got all of our leftover dinner items together for room service to come by and pick up. She took a few calls while Eissa and I watched Shrek, which was, low key, one of my favorite movies. By the laughs that came from my boy, he enjoyed it himself. I really loved my bonding moments with him. I couldn't help but to also think of those same moments that I had shared with Taj, and wondered if we would have any of those again. I pushed those thoughts out of my head and decided to worry about that when I was back in the States, and to be present with J and Boogie. Being together with them was the thing that was giving me life. These two were my priority and focus now.

Eissa and I did his night time routine together, which consisted of his bath, getting a dose of medicine, and a quick story. After hugs and kisses from me and Mama, our little man was knocked out within minutes.

Baby was in the shower while I stood out on the balcony with a glass of wine, taking in the city. It wasn't completely dark, but wasn't brightly lit either. It was very secluded though, which made it all the more alluring. I wondered how many couples actually made love out here because of the intimate setting, and if we would be another added to that list.

The Eiffel Tower lit up the night sky, and I could just feel the love and magic that this place held. I felt joy and happiness in my spirit. Although I wasn't here under the best circumstances, I was here with the two people that occupied the majority of the space in my heart. And for that, I was so grateful.

As love songs played from my phone, all of the elements that I needed to make a beautiful night were all making their way together. I felt myself smiling as the most perfect and final piece wrapped her arms around me from behind, with her hands finding their way under my shirt to rest on my stomach. Truth be told, her heavenly scent invaded my senses and alerted me of her presence long before I was even graced with her soft touch. Then, she placed a soft kiss on the back of my neck that sent a chill down my spine.

"Excuse me, but I have a girlfriend," I said without turning around. "And I'm sure she wouldn't be too pleased with you touching me or kissing on my neck like that."

"Damn, that's too bad. She's one lucky woman," she said, her deep seductive voice ringing in my ear, tightening her embrace. She was looking for trouble, and I was ready to give it to her. I continued on in this little game.

"I've said it before and I'll say it again." I turned in her arms to meet her smiling face. She was wearing one of the softest robes that I've ever felt in my life, and was looking so sexy. "I'm pretty sure that I'm the lucky one."

"Well, aren't you sweet?"

"You trying to taste something to find out?"

She gave me a mischievous smile before she leaned in for a kiss. Getting lost in the moment of making out with her like we did in the bathroom earlier, we were abruptly interrupted by a car passing by on the streets below us, blowing their horn obnoxiously. Scaring both of us, we ended up laughing at each other and our reactions.

"Great way to kill the mood," she said, grabbing my glass from me to take a sip of my wine.

"Well, not completely, but I might be the reason for that." She furrowed her eyebrows in confusion. "You still need to tell me what you needed to tell me about Shawnette."

"Riiiiight. I did say that," she said, taking another sip.

"Yeah, you did. Listen, whatever it is, I'm sure you handled it."

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