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"So this is Pepe?" Mrs. Katherine Jackson looked my way. She smiled softly, but I didn't get my hopes up that it was an accepting smile.

"Yes, Mother, this is Pepe," Janet chuckled. "Peyton, rather. Peyton, this is my mother, Katherine."

"It's a pleasure to meet you, Mrs. Jackson," I extended my hand for her to shake. Instead, she grabbed it and pulled me toward her and hooked her arm around mine.

"Walk with me, child. We've been waiting for you," she said as we walked down through the house towards the back where everyone was. When we turned the corner, I was met with looks from Janet's siblings who were scattered around the open kitchen and living room areas. Jackie and Rebbie were standing in the kitchen talking, while Tito and Latoya were on the sofa playing with Eissa.

"Mother, who is this?" Jackie said with the bright Jackson smile.

"Pepe," she answered simply, as if they all had heard about me prior.

"This is Peyton, you guys. My girlfriend," Janet chimed in when she walked up behind us. "Peyton, you may already know them, but this is Rebbie, Jackie, Tito and Latoya," she made the introductions, pointing to each of her siblings.

"Girlfriend? Oh, Lord. Not this again," Latoya spoke up. "Jan, you're going back down that road?"

"Don't start, Toya. Leave her alone," their mother spoke up. "As a matter of fact, yall go somewhere so that Pepe and I can talk." She continued to pull me into the living room while everyone began to file out of the area. Out the corner of my eye, I could see Janet buck at Latoya as she walked by, making her sister flinch, which in turn made me turn my head and laugh at her. Mrs. Jackson motioned for me to have a seat on the sofa while she sat in the chair perpendicular to it. When seated, Janet sat next to me.

"You have a beautiful home, Mrs. Jackson. Thank you for having me."

"Well, when Janet told me that she was going to introduce you, I had to have you over. You know my child is very secretive," she answered, chuckling.

"I wouldn't say she's secretive, but she is very private and protective. Secretive makes it sound like she's being sneaky," I subtly defended my girlfriend who pulled my hand into hers to hold in between us.

"I like how you put that. So tell me about yourself. Where are you from? How did you two meet?"

"Well, as your daughter said, my name is Peyton, but I really like that you call me Pepe." She smiled softly at me. I got a good glimpse at where my favorite smile came from. "I'm 35 and I'm from Hillsborough, NC, but currently live in Atlanta. I moved there about 5 years ago for a job opportunity. Janet and I met when I was lucky enough to get a meet and greet to her concert here in LA. We talked for a bit before she had to go on stage, and I thought that that was going to be the only time that I'd ever get a chance to talk to her. At the end of the show, she had gotten her number to me to keep in touch. Little did we know that later that night, our paths would cross again and it's been going ever since."

"Atlanta. That hasn't been an issue for you?"

"It's not ideal, but it hasn't really caused a problem for us. We just make sure that we communicate with each other -"

"Daily," Janet added.

"Yes, daily. And we see each other when we can."

"So that's why you went to Atlanta last weekend, Janet? To see Pepe?"

"Yes, Mother. That and we went to North Carolina so that I could meet her family."

"And how did that go?"

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