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Peyton stood when I did and started walking everyone to the door. Everyone was giving their good nights and handing out hugs while I headed to the bedroom to make this call to Wissam. I'm pretty sure I heard Gil asking Peyton if I was okay, but I was too far away to hear a response.

I already had a pretty good idea of what this was about, so for that, my mood was already sour. As I've told him before, we only need to communicate when it concerns Eissa. Our personal lives are off limits, so there really doesn't need to be anything dramatic.

Hitting his number in my phone to call, I sat in the chair by the window, and looked out, waiting for him to answer. I began to think that I should have just ignored him and called him in the morning, but then that would probably piss me off for the entire day. At least I could sleep it off tonight.

"Are you fucking serious?" I heard his raised voice on the other end of the phone.

"Hello to you too, Wissam." My voice was very monotonous. "I appreciate you calling me back 4 days later."

"Cut the bullshit Janet. You announce to the world that you're in love? That she's there with my son?" He asked me incredulously.

"Because I am, and yes she is here with me and our son because he was sick," I knew that me remaining calm was going to piss him off even more, but I had nothing to get upset about. I did nothing wrong. "Had you picked up the phone to answer or called me back, you would've known that Eissa was sick. But when Dada didn't answer, and our boy wasn't responding to anyone, guess who he asked for? Guess who talked to him on the phone? Guess who came all the way out here to see about him?"

"I was in Dubai."

"You were closer to us than she was."

"I had work. You know this. I couldn't just drop everything."

"Well, you wanna know who did?"

"Don't make me out to be some kind of deadbeat. You know my work keeps me busy and I travel a lot."

"And I'm not? As if I'm not currently on tour but go off." He can miss me with all of these excuses. "Seems like everyone was making sacrifices except for you."

"So, you're just going to be with her now? You had to be with a woman? Do you know how that makes me look?"

"Oh, that's the problem? Optics?" I asked him sarcastically. "Well, I never considered that. I guess that makes you look like, what, my ex-husband? Someone that I haven't been with in two years?"

"You were my wife, Janet. My fucking wife! Then to lose you to her? You couldn't just have a fling or nothing, but you bring her around our son, too?"

I laughed to myself because this man was really losing his damn mind. He wasn't making a bit of sense.

"First, keyword, WAS. I was your wife. No longer yours. Moving on. Second, you didn't lose me to her. You lost me because of that God-awful temper of yours that's rearing its ugly, jealous head AS WE SPEAK! Third, you were the one who had flings, remember? The little blonde thing that you let believe that you were single, only to find out that you not only had a wife and a baby on the way, but you were an emotionally and mentally abusive asshole? Fourth, is this really about Eissa or more bullshit because your ego is bruised?"

"Look, do not fucking play with me. I toId you that I didn't want my son around her."

"So, I can't be in a relationship ever again, or I can't be in one with a woman who actually loves me and our son? Because I'm fairly sure you wouldn't be this butt hurt if it were with a man. I surely wouldn't give a damn if you were with one so long as our son is cared for."

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