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I was awakened this morning by the sweetest and softest kisses across and down my back that found their way to the back of my neck. My eyes fluttered open as I moaned out softly. I heard a light chuckle at my response.

"Good morning, Peyton." I smiled at her while looking over my shoulder.

"Good morning, Beautiful," she beamed back at me.

I looked over at the clock and read that it was a little after nine. I had ended up sleeping longer than I had wanted but it was needed. I felt amazing. I turned over to greet my lover properly and realized that she had already been up as she had on a shirt with no bottoms.

"You are so breathtaking in the morning, Baby. I hope you know that," she said, bending down to kiss my lips.

"Mmm," I moaned into our kiss. "Every morning should be this good."

"And every night should be like last night. You were so good."

"I'm so glad that you enjoyed yourself. But I need to get up before I get too carried away. I have some stuff to take care of, and we have to go pick up Eissa, too."

"But not right now. We haven't even had breakfast in bed yet," she said nuzzling into my neck, planting light kisses. Her hands roamed my naked body as I did little to protest.

"What do you want to eat?"

"You," she answered quickly before capturing my lips again and reaching between my legs to touch my already wet center. Rubbing circles on me, her touch had me ready to do whatever she wanted to do with me.

"So what are you doing now?" I asked her breathlessly.

"Meal prep. Shh..." she kissed me as two fingers slid inside me.

"Baby wait," But she ignored me. And I'm glad she did. She kept her pace and sucked on my breasts.

"I told you last night, I owe you."

I cradled the back of her head and slightly pulled her closer into me. As luck would have it, my phone rang, startling the both of us.

"Don't answer it," she said while taking her kisses lower.

"Baby, I have to."

"Call them back later," she said, dipping her tongue into my navel.

"I'll be quick."

"So will I."

I chuckled and reached for my phone. Seeing the screen, it showed my stylist's number. This really can't be good.

"Two minutes max, Babe. I promise." She nodded and climbed off of me while I sat up and answered the phone. "Hello?"

"Hey, J. Problem with the wardrobe. The outfit didn't come through for one of your changes. We need your input so we can get everything done before we ship out in a few days."

"I need to look at the sketches again."

"I'll send them to your email. The sooner you can let us know something, the better. Sorry for the urgency of it all."

"It's no problem. I'll take a look now." Hearing me say 'now' made Peyton's head drop in defeat. Disconnecting the call, I looked at her and said, "Sorry, Babe. My day just got longer."

"It's no problem. I get it. Anything I can help you with?"

The offer actually surprised me. "Well, yeah. I could use your opinion on an outfit." I answered, opening my email on my iPad to pull up the sketches. She had cozied up behind me and was looking over my shoulder, placing a soft kiss on it. Swiping on the designs, nothing really caught my eye until Peyton spoke up.

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