The Lost Chapter

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This was probably the 3rd or 4th chapter that I wrote when I started getting ideas for this story but things just went in another direction. This one's just kinda fun.



"I'll be there soon," Janet said over the phone.

"Can't wait to see you. Be safe, Love."


My baby was in town for a few days and I was so excited to see her. In between her meetings and interviews, I was hoping to just chill and help her get prepared for her tour. I'm sure she was about to be bombarded with questions about me - about us, and I just wanted to help put her mind at ease as much as I could.

Suddenly, there was a knock on my door, which confused me because J wouldn't have gotten here so fast. Plus, she had the code to let herself in. I looked through the peephole to see someone I wouldn't have imagined I'd see. I then opened the door slowly with a confused face.

"Greg? What are you doing here?"

"I miss you."

"Miss me.... With that." I tried to close the door, quickly. I swear he was going to ruin my mood before Janet got here. And I definitely didn't need him being here when she showed up. He was looking quite rough. Almost like he hadn't been sleeping. Not my problem.

"Peyton, please. Hear me out."

"I'm fairly certain there's nothing to hear. But start talking, and make it quick."

"I know why you broke up with me. I understand it, and I don't blame you. But I want to be better. I want to do better. For you and for us."

I wasn't buying any of this at all. I was half ass listening anyway. "Look, Greg. I wanted you to do better for YOU. The "us" was included in that. You never saw it. You never wanted to see it."

"I know, and I'm sorry. I really am," he tried to plead with me. He's never apologized for anything, so maybe he meant it, maybe not. I still am not phased.

"I hear you, but no. I'm in a relationship with someone."

"Who you dating," he asked trying to step in. "Can I use your bathroom?"

"Im pretty sure you know who. And no."

"I really have to pee, man. Come on, please. Then we can finish talking."

"I'm already finished talking but hurry up." I stepped aside and let him in.

As he tried to walk past me, he tried to kiss me on the cheek. I punched him in his chest.

"Boy, you done lost your damn mind. Go pee and get out!"

"You look good, though."

"I know, that's nothing new."

"That's why I miss you. That sass." He said smiling as he started walking off toward my bathroom.

I really can't stand this block headed, slew footed ass dude. There would be no way in hell I'd ever take his ass back. Especially not now that I was with Janet. Nothing before her even mattered to me anymore. I'd walk to the ends of the world for her, and I know that she'd do the same for me. There's no way I'd let her go.

The longer I stood at my island, the more I realized that this nigga was taking a little long to just be peeing.

"Greg, what are you doing? Hurry the hell up."

"I'm almost done."

"Almost done what? You're taking a little bit too long in there. I already didn't want your ass in here to begin with."

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