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It had only been a little over a week since I had been back from LA, but it felt like forever since I had seen my girlfriend. FaceTime, texting, phone calls were all good hold overs but I was desperate for her presence. Her scent, her touch, her taste, her smile, her voice, her laugh, her spirit, I needed it all.

We still weren't sure who had sent her the flowers, but I had tired myself out from thinking about it. Janet had made it abundantly clear that she wasn't the slightest bit concerned about where they came from, and was completely invested in all things us. And I couldn't be happier about it.

Her flight was due to land in a little while and I had just finished getting everything straightened up in my apartment.

"Girlfriend should be here any minute, right?" Tanae's voice came through the speaker on my phone.

"Yeah, just waiting on her text to let me know she landed and they're on the way."

"Do I get to meet her while she's here?"

"I'm not sure. If we have the time, I'll ask her how she feels about it. You know we're leaving on Friday. Like, early Friday morning."

"Yeah, I know. Well, let that woman breathe at some point. And don't forget to tell your fine ass brother I said hey."

"I'll make sure that I completely forget that message." I responded, rolling my eyes.

"Hater. We could be sisters by now but you blocking our love."

"Naw, I'm blocking a headache."

"Whatever. I'll talk to you later girl."

As we got off of the phone, I sat in my living room, looking around to make sure that everything was good. I had a single, long stemmed rose sitting on the island. There were chocolate covered strawberries and regular strawberries in the refrigerator. Wine was in the chiller. I was just ready for my baby.

45 minutes later, my phone rang, waking me up. I didnt even feel myself going to sleep. Janet's name appeared on the screen. She was finally here. My nerves hit me harder than ever as I went to answer the call. Why? I have no idea.

"Hey Beautiful. You landed?"

"Hi Baby. We did but we have an issue."

"Uh oh, what's up?"

"So the truck that Joey had reserved for us is no longer available. It was in an accident earlier today or something. Another truck won't be ready for another 4 hours. Can you come pick us up? It's just me, Joey and Tommy. We all have one suitcase a piece."

"Of course I can come get you. I'll bring my truck so there will be plenty of space." I jumped up and went into my room to grab my purse. "I'll be there in about 20 minutes, okay?"

"Thank you so much, Babe. I know this wasn't our plan but-"

"It's no problem at all. I'll do whatever I need to do to see your face."

She sighed softly, "As always, you are too sweet. Just be safe and l'll see your beautiful face soon. Call me when you get here so we can meet you."

"Yes ma'am." I hung up the phone and grabbed my keys from the island. Opening my front door, I stopped dead in my tracks. "Oh my God!"

"Hi, my baby. I missed you." Janet stood with the most beautiful smile on her face.

"You sneaky little devil." I grabbed her and pulled her into me, hugging her tightly. "I've missed you so much, woman. You don't even know."

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