- c h a p t e r - n i n e t e e n -

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 Everybody was talking about it.

About how Violet Mae Hilton almost died during a study group. But that wasn't the only thing people were gossiping about. They were also talking about how she had been supposedly shunned by her bestest friends in the whole world, and the Regulus Black seemed to be suddenly protective of her.

It was just sooooooooooo wild, and people couldn't talk about it.

What Violet really wanted people to notice was how avoidant she was of Bertram Aubrey.

How every time she jumped at the sound of the Slytherins coming around the corner.

How sometimes she would flinch from phantom pains from the spell.

But no, they were too busy making herself even more aware that Remus was upset with her and that he had been dragging the boys around and away from her 24/7 for almost a month now.

Yes, the gossip had been the big topic for a month now.

And the only place she could find solace was in the library at the moment.

She wasn't sure where the girls were–guessing they were probably trying to convince Marlene to come and study.

Violet had saved a table for the girls–but had gotten to work while waiting.

She was working on homework for Defense Against the Dark Arts, trying to keep her mind from wandering. But when she wasn't focused on her homework, Violet was racking her brain trying to find a way to reconcile with Remus, but she always came up short, unable to figure out a way to get the stubborn boy to listen to her. Because once Remus had his mind made up–it was near impossible for someone to change it.

Violet had zoned out–chewing her lip as she was lost in her thoughts, when someone came and sat by her side.

Blinking from her fog, she met Severus's dark eyes–and shock fell over her.

Severus hadn't spoken to her since the night of the accident–even though Lily had told him multiple times that Violet didn't blame him for it.

But here he was–sitting in front of her–his lips pinched and his skin as pale as ever.

"Hullo?" Violet drew out quietly–as they were in the library.

"Hullo," Severus said curtly.

He was silent for a while–making Violet uncomfortable under his gaze–but as she was about to ask him why he was there, he quickly said, "I planned it."

The redhead furrowed her brows–her mouth opening and closing in confusion before asking, "Pardon?"

The looked that fell over his face was a familiar one.

It was the face he made when he was upset that he had to repeat himself.

It was just unadulterated annoyance.

"I planned it," He repeated himself dryly.

Violet was still not sure what he was talking about as she turned fully to him, "What do you mean? You planned it? Planned what?"

He stared hard at her, unwilling to say what he had planned out loud.

But it took her all of ten seconds to realise what Severus spoke of.

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