- c h a p t e r - s i x t y-e i g h t -

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November 1st

"Tell me it wasn't you..."

Violet's eyes drew up from the breakfast food she was struggling to make (barely having gotten herself out of bed that morning) when Sirius's voice pierced the air.

Remus stood from where he was playing with Gemma–the toddler screaming excitedly at the sight of Sirius. However–Remus caught her in his arms before she could get to the Black wizard.

"Sirius..." Remus's voice was strained–his face hollow from the events of the night before. "Why are you here?"

"Tell me it wasn't you," Sirius seemed to beg–staring hard at Remus.

Violet's brows drew together as she rounded the kitchen counter, placing a hand on Sirius's arm, "Siri, what's going on?"

"Lottie, please step away from him..." Remus's voice was hard.

She looked at her husband in confusion, "Remus?"


The grief that was chained around her neck was suddenly heavier than before as she looked between the two men, "Can we please not do this now? We have too much to do for–"

"Are you the spy, Remus?" Sirius interrupted again.

Violet gave a strangled gasp, "SIRIUS!"

Sirius took threatening steps toward her husband, "You would do it. For the sake of your family. For the sake of Violet. For Gemma. You gave them up! SO DID YOU OR DID YOU NOT GIVE UP JAMES AND LILY?!"

Remus's face coloured in rage as he snapped back, "I would never give up two of the most important people in my life. I wouldn't give up my family. But you–" Remus thrust a finger at Sirius, "You would! You're part of the House of Black! How do we know that it wasn't you all these years?!"


The shouting continued.

The accusations grew.

And Violet's head started to spin faster and faster as nausea was beginning to swell up in her stomach.

This was why they had been at one another's throats. This was why they didn't spend time together with everyone outside of get-togethers. This was why Sirius reacted the way he did the night before.

They thought each other was the spy the Order had been looking for.

Violet's eyes were enormous as she watched the fight.

Her eyes fell on Gemma, who was looking ready to cry.

Surging forward, Violet took Gemma from Remus's arms, and the cry that fell from the toddler's mouth was enough to get the men's attention.

The two friends turned enemies looked at the two redheads–one crying and one frowning deeply.

She watched them carefully and shook her head, "What has happened to you two...? Since when would two men who had been like brothers since childhood turn on each other so fast?"

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