- c h a p t e r - f i f t y-f o u r -

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Water was pouring all around her.

She could feel it seeping into her clothes, her shoes, her hair...

And she was cold.

So terribly cold. Not only was it cold, but everything hurt.

Her arms, legs, head, fingers, toes, everything hurt. It was like she was being crushed over and over and over again. Her mouth opened in a silent scream as everything came into focus around her.

A giant silver snake was in front of her–hissing and baring its teeth as she lay sprawled over the wet surface beneath her.

Her breathing was uneven as she tried to scramble away from the reptile, "Please! Leave me alone!"

Violet scrambled to her feet–searching for her wand within her clothes, but found nothing.

Her wand. Where was her wand?!

Her hand went to her jean pockets, and her fingers found something wet, sticky, and warm, far from the cold rain that had penetrated her clothes. She pulled her hand away from her body and saw the blood coating her fingers.

Her head spun, Had she been shot? Stabbed?

"You better run, little foxxxxx..." The snake hissed at her–its voice slicing through the air like a knife. "I'm coming for yoooouuuu..."

The voice was so familiar yet so foreign to her.

But the threat scared her enough that she obeyed. Her feet carried her far from the blurry landscape.

Dark shapes flew past her as she rushed forward–trying to escape the monster that was hot on her tail.

She could hear it rushing toward her–its body crashing around and breaking things.

"Help!" She screamed, her voice hoarse and unfamiliar. She must have been crying before whatever was happening. "Someone! Please help!"

Her foot caught on something–throwing her forward–but this time, she crashed into what looked like a wallpapered wall as it briefly became visible.

She fingered it, trying to remember where she had seen it before–her bloody fingers smearing the red liquid across the wall.

Where was she?

Something grabbed her around the neck–crushing her windpipe and throwing her across the way.

Her back slammed into a table or a chest–something with sharp edges–the air flying from her lungs in a painful rush. Her mouth opened and closed as agony raced through her in waves–shock stiffening her limbs.

When feeling slightly came back to her body, she slowly rolled onto her stomach–struggling to drag herself across the floor. She needed to get out of here. She needed to find somewhere to–

A scream fell from her lips as someone grabbed her hair–pulling her from the ground.

"STOP!!!" Her voice was violent, petrified, and angry as she was thrown against the wall again–her head cracking against it loudly.

The snake got right up in her face, its fangs dangerously close to her bleary eyes, "Why sssshould I? You filthy, ssssneaky Mudblood..."

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