- c h a p t e r - f i f t y-s i x -

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 "Do we have everything?" Violet asked–shuffling things around on the ground.

"I dunno! You're supposed to be the Mistress of Lists!" Lily told her–reaching over to grab a couple bundles of socks.

Violet guffawed–tipping her over, "And you're supposed to be helpful!"

"And you're supposed to be the nice one!"

There was silence–the two just staring at one another.

"When was that established?" Violet raised a brow–trying to hold back a laugh.

Lily blinked, shrugging, "I have no idea..."

The slightly younger redhead snorted, which led Lily to erupt in giggles before they both were rolling around on the floor, holding their sides as they lost it.

"Merlin, we leave them alone for two minutes, and this is what we come back to!" James's teasing voice chided. He looked down at the two laughing redheads on the floor. His eyes He clicked his tongue, "Shameful!"

"Not as shameful as wearing your shoes on the wrong feet for the entire day!" Violet shot back–pointing up at him.

James's hazel eyes widened as he looked at his wife with betrayal written all over his face, "You promised you wouldn't tell!!!"

Lily shrugged innocently, grinning slyly at him, "She's my best friend, what did you expect?!"

James sighed–rubbing his face, "I forgot about that..."

"Forgot about what?" Remus asked, entering the Potter residence with a box in his arms.

"How girls tell each other everything," James explained, rolling his eyes dramatically. Then he looked at Violet and Lily, his face becoming nervous, "Lils, you haven't told her about what we–"

"No. She doesn't tell me about your bedroom life," Violet scoffed, throwing a shoe at him. "I don't really want to know anyway."

"We know that, but James!!! Do you think me that crude?!" Lily snapped at him–her eyes glowing, challenging.

"IT WAS A VALID QUESTION!!!" James cried–throwing his hands around.

And then they started to fight.

Climbing up from the floor, Violet moved to Remus's side and crossed her arms as she watched the scene play out, "Were they like this the whole time I was gone?"

Remus snickered–putting his chin on her head as he moved around her, wrapping her up in his arms, "Even worse."

She huffed, smirking, "I can only imagine."

"Well, Lily lost her emotional support human, and so did James...so you know..."

Craning her head over her shoulder, Violet looked at him, "Me? I'm their emotional support human?"

He gave her an amused smile, "You're kinda everyone's emotional support human, Lottie..."

She leaned into his embrace, "When did I sign up for that?"

"When you became all of our best friends."

She rolled her eyes, shrugging lightly, "Oh well...At least you guys don't hate me."

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