- c h a p t e r - t h i r t y-o n e -

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tw: near rape/talk of rape (added warnings when scene arrives)


 Violet was overly excited–having something to look forward to and enjoy that wasn't so stressful that she wanted to pull her hair out.

The first exciting thing was that Quidditch tryouts had come.

Her best friends had been looking forward to trying out for the team forever. And after a day-long tryout process, Sirius and James were literally losing their minds over the fact that the former made a Keeper position and the latter became a Seeker.

It was to the point that Remus would just roll his eyes and leave whenever it would come up in conversation.

But Violet had to admit that the two Gryffindor boys were pretty good. James had to be one of the best Seekers she had seen on a school Quidditch team since they all started to attend Hogwarts, and Sirius was right up with him as a Keeper.

She would never tell them any of this–because their heads were already big enough.

But other than Quidditch–Headmaster Dumbledore announced three weeks ago that after O.W.L.s and N.E.W.Ts (for the fifth and seventh years at least), there would be a Christmas dance for all the fifth, sixth, and seventh years.

Violet had never been one to talk about hair, make-up, and clothes, but since the headmaster had announced it, all the girls had turned into a bunch of crazy people. It was one of the only things they talked about–besides exams.

Sometimes, Violet would start talking about it with the boys–mostly when she was trying out different shades of nail polish supplied by Alice on Sirius, or he would practice on her nails.

But the oblivious Hilton girl failed to see how fidgety Remus would get when she did talk about it–the rest of the boys smirking knowingly at him.

Obviously, something was cooking in the cauldron that Violet wasn't aware of.

To say everyone was busy was an understatement.

And to add to the mix of the chaos–the Map was finished.

The night after she and Sirius had revamped God Rest You Merry Gentlemen (as Remus had banished them from hanging out the rest of the night)–they had performed the charm on the Marauders' Map.

And it worked.

Not only that, but James–in all of his weird glory–announced that he had come up with nicknames for all of them in his free time and that they had to be added to the Map's opening sequence.

So when someone would declare, "I solemnly swear I am up to no good," their new nicknames would appear like the following.

Mlle Fox and Messrs. Moony, Wormtail, Padfoot & Prongs

Purveyors of Aids to Magical Mischief-Makers are proud to present



Moony was Remus.

Wormtail was Peter.

Padfoot was Sirius.

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