- c h a p t e r - f i f t y-s e v e n -

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 They had made it to their campsite and were immediately almost ploughed by a literal army of children.

Ginger children whose personalities matched their fiery hair.

At first, Violet was absolutely appalled, but then their parents came over, apologising profusely–only for her to realise she knew them. Violet had run into this couple at Hogsmeade before but didn't know they had children.

Not to mention so five.

Arthur and Molly Weasley were their names.

They were both fiery redheads, and their children took after them. Including their set of almost one-and-a-half-year-old twins, George and Fred – of whom caused mayhem the second they laid eyes on the two young women.

Despite wanting just to be able to hang with each other and chill for the first night, Violet and Lily decided to take the Weasleys' offer and have dinner with the hilarious and chaotic family. Violet had tried to help with dinner but was continually stolen away by the children, who had all taken a quick liking to her. Well – except for one of them.

Lily just laughed and waved a farewell to her the moment they entered the family's enchanted tent and were grabbed by the boys.

I'll get you back for this! Violet's face said as she was dragged away into a separate room.

The Weasleys' children were all boys. And they had another sibling on the way – due to be born in March, as far as they knew.

"I would very much love a daughter!" Molly had told Violet with a broad smile on her round face and a hand on her blown up tummy. "But, of course, a son will be okay too."

Violet was currently sitting on the floor with almost nine-year-old Bill, nearly seven-year-old Charlie, and three-year-old Percy.

Bill was very mature, explaining that he was very close to the age of being able to go to Hogwarts and how he was pretty excited to go and learn everything he could. He wanted to be in Gryffindor like his parents or Ravenclaw – but that was it. And he all but gagged at the mention of Slytherin, which Violet quickly corrected him for.

"I know a very brilliant and amazing Slytherin. They're not all that bad," Violet had told him not unkindly.

Bill was still a little skeptical, but he took her word for it.

Then there was Charlie – who would randomly interject about animals and magical creatures that he had read about in books from his grandparents and relatives – but he had a bizarre obsession with dragons that made Violet grin like a madwoman. She had never met someone who loved creatures as much as Charlie except for Hagrid, and the moment she made a mental note to write to the giant about the excited Weasley boy. She had no doubt that they would be fast friends when Charlie attended Hogwarts in the next four years.

Then there was Percy.

He just kept giving Violet a shrewd look. Still, for a three-year-old, it was quite an adorable look, however – Violet could only imagine what he would be like as a teenager.

She had a feeling he was gonna be a handful. And probably not in the best way.

A yank on her braid made her look to her left.

The twins – who were only one – stared up at her with dark eyes that held far too much intelligence for their young age.

And the twinkle in them was familiar.

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