- c h a p t e r - s i x -

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The holiday came and went with the magic of Christmas, Boxing Day, and the New Year, and soon it was time for Violet to go back to school for the rest of the term.

She had arrived in anticipation back at the station–ready to return and talk to Remus–but the second she saw him across the platform, standing with a warm-looking couple–both of whom were hugging him tightly and kissing his scarred face–her stomach dropped to her toes. She ran away, hiding in another compartment with Mary, Marlene, Alice, and Lily.

"Why are you acting funny?" Marlene had asked, seeing her pale face when she blew into the compartment.

"Nothing," Violet lied. "I just didn't want to miss the train."

Lily just stared at her knowingly, but Violet just shrugged and pushed away her fears about talking to Remus and instead played Exploding Snaps with her best friends.

It would probably be the last time they could play a game like that without studying overwhelming every free minute of their time.

From the moment classes started up again, every student of every year was swamped with homework–which was the perfect excuse to not confront Remus and risk offending one of her bestest friends ever.

One would think this would be a problem for a girl of an older age–but when one lives in a world of magic, problems come for every age of witch or wizard alike.

Problems of friendship sorts and issues of a bunch of eleven-year-old boys causing waayyyyyy more trouble than they usually did–a coping mechanism while they tried to ignore the impending dates of exams and the torture of studying for those said exams.

To Violet's relief, though, James and Sirius had seemed to back off from Severus a little–which actually relieved some strain between Lily and the boys–but at the same time, Severus's rude attitude and treatment of Violet seemed to get exponentially worse.

Which was really hard to deal with because he was always with Lily–who was always with Violet and the girls, sometimes all together, sometimes separated–but the Slytherin boy always seemed to evade Violet or ignore her all together.

And Lily didn't seem to notice, which felt like a blow to Violet's heart–and while the other girls were always by her side, trying to get the Evans girl to see the rudeness of Severus, Violet turned to the boys–her boys.

It was still super stressful trying to get herself to talk to Remus–which she hadn't done yet–but helping them study for exams helped her take her mind off of the weirdness between herself and Severus.

Especially with the boys having such weird and different study habits.

In general, James was a hard person to get actually to sit down and study, but after the first two weeks of wrestling him down to study, she finally got him to do it. Sirius was basically the same way–distracted, overly wild, and just in general always himself. Peter always needed help with everything because he just wouldn't study–too busy following James and Sirius around like a shadow.

But after a while, she finally figured out how to get them to study too.

Her mum would send these little care packages full of homemade baked goods and candy from some stores at Diagon Alley–and she would send them to Violet around the middle of the week.

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