- c h a p t e r - t e n -

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 "Are we sure we can do this?" Peter asked nervously, staring down at the papers scattered across the table.

Violet nodded, her arms crossed–her eyes gleaming, "We can do it. We have to."

Remus was standing next to her, his brow furrowed–taking in the scribbles and lists, "You don't have to–"

"We want to," James corrected him sternly.

"Yup! You can't change our minds now," Sirius added, throwing an arm lazily around Violet's shoulders.

The Hilton girl had proposed her idea three days after doing some extensive research in the library–meaning she basically slept and lived there when she wasn't eating or going to class.

And to give a little more insight into how deep she was in her research–literally, the girls had thought she was dead until Peter told them she was alive and well–just busy with an "extra credit" assignment.

Of course, it wasn't actually extra credit, but they didn't need to know that right now.

When Violet finally finished her disappearing act and explained her plan–James and Sirius were on board–almost exploding with excitement when she proposed it. They had been brainstorming animals they could possibly turn into not even ten seconds later. And no matter how often Violet told them that wasn't how it worked, they kept going about dragons and lions and Peter turning into a wiener dog.

The other half of their little group took a little more convincing.

They basically had to threaten Peter into doing it, unfortunately–literally all they told him was that he should sleep with one eye open, it was not that crazy–and when they finally came clean to Remus–the last person to know as they wanted to surprise him with their decision, he was hesitant.

His overall anxiety was about the process of following through with Violet's plan.

"What if something goes wrong?" Remus asked quietly from beside her for like the sixth time.

She turned her dark eyes to him–giving him a sincere look, "I'm not gonna let that happen." Leaning forward on the table, she gestured at her notes and said, "I will prepare all of the ingredients–how that's gonna happen, I'm still working on that–and then I will make sure that we get the leaves from the greenhouse. We will all work on the potion together–no one does this alone. And when we do turn–once all the potion stuff is done–everyone will be present to help if something happens." Her eyes lifted sternly to her friends. "Which will not happen."

Despite her small warning, James and Sirius looked anxious to get a move on.

Only Peter and Remus seemed doubtful about the whole thing still.

"How are you going to get the mandrake leaves? And what will you do if you know–you swallow the leaf or something? They aren't poisonous, are they?" Remus questioned.

"They're not poisonous. There wouldn't be other Animagi if they were. Besides, I have no doubt it took Professor McGonagall a couple of times to actually turn into her kitty-cat form," Violet shrugged. Then she pointed at the sketch of the leaves she had done, "Also, if we do swallow the leaves, I'll just get more. And I already have a plan on how we get the leaves." She sucked in a sharp breath and muttered, "I might get detention, but it'll have to work."

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