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Violet felt like she was going to vomit.

After taking a trip over the gorgeous Black Lake that led to the extraordinary castle of Hogwarts, she and her friend were met by a stern-looking witch by the name of Minvera McGonagall. She was tall and had sharp features that matched her piercing gaze, making everyone in the corridor squeamish and even more anxious to get into the Great Hall.

"Everyone," The Scottish woman called to them, making them all go quiet. "Please stay here until I return."

With that simple command, she disappeared.

Violet wrung her hands nervously, What if she got put into Slytherin? Would her parents be upset? Would she make it in the snake house? Would she and Lily stay friends?

The questions just kept attacking her to the point where she felt like she was a ghost and everyone else was alive and happy around her.

She snapped out of her reverie as an arm swung around her shoulder, and James's cheerful voice exclaimed, "You scared, Hilton?"

Violet wanted to say no, but she had a feeling he would be able to see through her little lie. So she nodded.

James waved a hand at her, giving her an encouraging grin, "Don't be! I know a Gryffindor when I see one. And you, dearest ViVi, are gonna be one."

She wrinkled her nose at the nickname, "ViVi?"

James shrugged, "A work in progress. We've got seven years to find you a name."

"You think we're gonna be friends that long?"

He placed his hands on her shoulder, his eyes sincere, "I know so."

That made Violet feel a little bit better, making a small smile lift her lips, and it grew when she heard Sirius's voice shout, "Oi! I was wondering when I'd see you again, Red!" He wrapped an arm around her shoulders, ruffling her hair and smirking, "You ready to knock some people's knickers off?"

Violet laughed as she wrapped her arms around the boys and said, "They're not gonna know what to do with us..."

"Nope!" James crowed. "And it will be––"

"Violet!" Lily's voice broke their moment.

Violet's smile dropped as the redhead moved through the crowd, her face one of annoyance when she saw the boys on either side of Violet.

"There you are..." Lily pulled her by the hand and away from the boys.

Violet caught sight of Severus, who spied the boys over the girls' shoulders and scowled.

"They're bullies!" Lily hissed a little bit, frowning over her shoulder again. "You shouldn't talk to them."

Violet narrowed her eyes, "I can make friends with whoever I want. I'll tell them to stop, and if they don't, then I won't be friends with them, 'kay?"

Lily did not look entirely convinced, but she nodded anyways and said, "Okay..."

Violet squeezed her hand gently, trying to reassure her that they would be okay.

She opened her mouth to start a conversation when Professor McGonagall came from the side door of the Great Hall, waving them toward her as she called in her strong voice, "Into a line now, please!"

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