- c h a p t e r - t h i r t y-f i v e -

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The Holidays

Violet was positive she was more nervous about staying at Remus's house for Christmas than the Christmas dance.

She had fidgeted the whole ride back to Platform 9 3/4–not even Sirius's teasing could stop her. He was relentless whenever he had the chance once Violet had revealed she was going to stay with the Lupin family. It was ridiculous.

But Violet didn't realise how anxiety-inducing it would be until she was packing.

It hit her that she was spending the holidays with a boy towards whom she had confusing feelings–besides friendship–and his parents.

She would be there for the entirety of the holiday–not going anywhere but where they went.

And she was terrified.

Lily had found her sitting in front of her smaller suitcase–staring off into space one evening before the holidays and immediately jumped in to help her out of whatever panic was plaguing her.

But that didn't stop Violet from being absolutely stiff as a board when she and Remus found Hope and Lyall Lupin waiting for them with enormous smiles.

Violet was swept into a hug by both of them–the two talking just about a thousand miles an hour.

If they noticed she was slightly caught off guard–they didn't show it as they continued to talk the entirety of the trip home.

The only thing that kept Violet from completely losing her mind was Remus's hand intertwined with hers. They had ended up sitting very close to one another anywhere they were–which allowed them to act like an anchor as the talking adults seemed to be oblivious.

The obliviousness seemed to be a theme throughout the holiday season.

And Violet didn't mind it.

It kept her mind off of life–trying to follow along with the chaos of the Lupin family.

After a few days, she became akin to the wild schedule of holiday Remus and his family. She now understood why her best friend was so bloody tired when he returned. She knew it wasn't just because of the full moon–and now she understood why.

She definitely didn't blame him for joking about wishing for a few weeks of coma after the holidays.

Christmas day rolled around and Violet woke up in the Lupin guest room–staring out the window as the snow softly tumbled down from the sky, washing everything in white.

She watched it briefly before it hit her that it was Christmas.

She threw aside the covers–rushing from the room in her pyjama shorts and oversized jumper–pulling on some fuzzy socks on her way out.

"HAPPY CHRISTMAS!" She shouted at the top of her lungs.

Mrs. Lupin laughed from the kitchen–emerging covered in flour, "Happy Christmas, Violet. Could you go wake up Remus?"

Violet didn't even hesitate as she bolted up the stairs.

She threw Remus's door open, singing God Rest Ye Merry Hippogriff as loud as possible.

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