- c h a p t e r - s i x t y-f o u r

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okay, so this is such a late thanks – but to all the lovely readers, thank you so so so much for 4k+ reads! like, i would never had expected FOX to reach those numbers – ever!

so thank you again, reading, and sticking with me through the publishing/editing process/waiting! 

hugs to everyone! 

anyways, here is a new update for all of you!

see ya around! 



 It was All Hallows' Eve, and Violet had just finished putting together the costumes with a flourish.

The Lupin family would be going Trick-or-Treating as witches and a wizard. She and Remus thought it would be funny because it was so ironic. But Violet added a hat to her ensemble at the last second–spotting one similar to Professor McGonagall at a second-hand shop earlier that day.

It was perfect.

She had just finished pinning Gemma's hair into tiny pigtails when a knock came from the front door.

It made her grin.

She loved giving out sweets on All Hallows' Eve. It was one of her favourite holidays of the year and always would be.

She made a silly face at Gemma, who was sitting in her bouncer–completely content–before grabbing the bowl of sweets and moving to the front door. She pushed aside the sleeve of her actual witch's robe and opened the front door.

She frowned–however–when she spotted no one there.

"Mistress Hilton?"

She dropped her eyes further and spied a familiar house elf, giving her a disdained look–his nose wrinkled as if she smelled terrible.

But that was how the Black family's elf always looked at her.

No...He wasn't disgusted...he was sad.

She furrowed her brows, frowning, "Kreacher?"

The house-elf sniffled before saying, "Master Regulus asked Kreacher to deliver this if anything were to...were to happen."

Violet's face paled at the sight of the letter in his gnarled hands.

The moment she took it from him, he disappeared with a wail.

Violet shut the door slowly–putting the bowl of sweets on the little table next to the front door–and moved numbly to the fireplace. She had to burn the evidence when she was done–especially if the envelope contained the information she knew it would.

Opening the fold of paper, she found a Muggle Polaroid picture inside the envelope. Her hands shook harder as she lifted it up to examine it. It was of her and Regulus way back in the earlier days of their friendship. Young Violet had her arm around him–a side cheesy grin on her lips, her red hair in a messy halo, her brown eyes glittering–and Regulus was just kinda half grinning–his grey eyes watching her in confusion but noticeable relief.

They looked like literal babies.

Violet's eyes welled up as she placed the picture on the fireplace mantel and started to read the letter written in Regulus's script.

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