- c h a p t e r - t w e n t y-o n e -

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Violet let out a strangled shrieking noise as she entered Lily's house–not expecting her soul to leave her body at eleven in the morning.

Mary, Marlene, Alice, and Lily were all standing there, decked out in colourful shorts, knee and elbow pads, wrist guards, helmets, and matching Quidditch jerseys for Violet's favourite team–the Holyhead Harpies.

"What's all this?!" Violet exclaimed with a laugh as the girls embraced her tightly.

"This is what we've been planning for your birthday!" Alice squealed–her blonde hair pulled into little pigtails and popping out of the sides of the helmet.

"Quidditch?" Violet laughed. "But none of you–"

"No, silly!" Mary waved at her–cutting her off. "We're not that crazy to try to play Quidditch with you! You're crazy. Lily told us you loved rollerblading, sooooooo we decided to surprise you with a trip to the rink!"

Violet's heart sped up, her eyes lighting up, "Really?"

"Yes!!" Lily clapped brightly–her hair braided with ribbons. "And we know the jerseys are for Quidditch, and you get to keep yours as part of the gift, but we just thought it would be fun to go looking like a team or something!"

The now fourteen-year-old redhead made an excited noise as she took the jersey into her arms and cried, "Thank you so much, you guys! This is the best birthday ever!"

"You're welcome. Now go get ready!" Marlene gave her a little push with a laugh. "We gotta get over there before it gets too crowded!"

With one last hug to every girl, Violet hurried away to get ready for her special day.

"Oof! James, you smell!" Violet gagged at the harsh aroma wafting from her friend–probably from his bike ride to her house.

"For that, you're not getting your birthday present..." James teased her as he moved away, pushing his sweaty hair from his eyes.

"Noooooo!" Violet whined like a four-year-old. "Please!"

She was just joking, but when something with the weight of a Quaffle came at her at full speed–she fell back with a grunt and cried, "James!"

"You said please!"

Violet rolled her eyes with a cough but settled on her usual perch–a massive boulder with a little groove cut out from erosion over the years.

They were in the woods behind her house, using enchanted fire in jars to cast light over their little area. It was two days before she was leaving for a holiday with Howard and his family. She wanted to make sure she would get to see the boys no matter what. So Sirius, who lived the closest to the rest of the group, ensured they knew about the meeting.

Violet had prayed that Remus would come.

But he hadn't shown up yet.

It made her heart ache, but she still kept a little spark of hope that he would show up later.

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