- c h a p t e r - s i x t y-s e v e n -

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 Violet emerged from Gemma's room with a sigh.

They had returned from Trick-or-Treating, and all three of them dressed up as ghosts with different accessories because Violet had thought it would be cute. And also, she had literally not had time to make anything else (she had originally wanted to do Peter Pan, Wendy, and Tink Belle from the American movie and the Muggle children's book).

But no–there was no time because toddlers were a lot of work, and so was making sure Lily did not kill James, who was beyond stir-crazy at this point.

The Potter man had literally taken up crocheting. The Potter house now had enough scarves to free every house-elf in Hogwarts and in every terrorising Pureblood household ever. The cat even had a little sweater it wore around because James was a little mad.

So, in other words–ghosts with accessories it was.

And the night had been going great until Violet realised just how many sweets Sirius had given her. Which was why she almost made him come back to the house to distract the wild toddler who had decided to make messes instead of crash.

It took Violet and Remus three hours to finally wear out and coax the one-year-old to bed.

But she passed out–her arms wrapped around her stuffed dog and fox per usual, leaving Violet to reminisce the mischief that had occurred that night:

"Do you have them?"

"Duh. You ready?"


James passed her and Sirius the firecrackers and then sneakily held out his wand–making it look like he was just pointing at some decorations.

Remus and Lily were in front of them, talking brightly about some kind of scientific article–the toddlers shrieking and playing in the patch of grass around their parents–from the Prophet as the other three were in the back, slowly getting further and further away.

"Merlin, Peter's missing out," James snickered–his eyes on his wife, probably mentally preparing himself to get scolded later.

"Where is he anyways?" Sirius asked him–a steadying hand on Violet's elbow as she stood between the two.

"Ummm..." James blinked a few times, furrowing his brow. "I actually don't know. He wasn't at Hogwarts yesterday when Remus and I met with Dumbledore..." James's eyes glazed over, a frown pulling at his lips, "I hope this war is over soon..."

After a worried glance at him–not liking his tone very much, Violet sighed, "We all knew Peter was gonna grow up someday...I guess we raised him well enough." That made the light come back into James's eyes as they all chuckled a little before Violet murmured, "We might wanna get this moving before they get suspicious of the quiet..."

Sirius winked at her, "Then let's get a move on. Lead on, Fox."

Flutters filling her stomach, Violet quietly moved across the street–using her nondistinguishable costume as a disguise from Lily and Remus.

She wove in and out of the crowds–depositing her stash before speedily rejoining the group without too much time, having vanished from when they said they would get candied apples.

Which they did get to keep up the act.

Violet–whose ghost costume was now just hanging around her shoulders like a shawl–bit into her candied apple, grinning as James and Sirius waited for her to give the signal, and then–

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