- b o n u s - c h a p t e r - c h. 3 7 -

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hullloooooooo my lovely readers!

i hope when you get this update you are relatively enjoying life and if not, maybe this chapter will bring a smile into your life. 

anyways, i know we are waiting for the hallows to be updated (so sorry, life is so busy right now  and i haven't edited anything – but give me till next week and you will get so much content), but in the mean time, i have written this little blurb. 

but it is not just because you are so patient with me – it because FOX has hit 9k+ reads and nearly 200 votes and i just am in awe! like HOW IN THE ACTUAL BLOODY WORLD?!?  YOU GUYS ARE SO AMAZING AND I LOVE EVERY SINGLE ONE OF YOU! (I also have the cutest and such a bittersweet idea for when *fingers crossed* this book gets 10k reads, so stay tuned for that one too) 

but i digress! 

have a great morning/afternoon/evening/night! 

see you around! 




"I want to die..."

"No you don't."

"Don't tell me what I do and don't want to do."

"Then could you please not want to die?"

"It's hard to not want to when I feel like the whole universe is against me!"

"Red, you're just sick."

Violet was sick.

And there was a list of things she hated–sleeping with socks, stepping in water with socks, Lucius Malfoy, bullies, people being absolute pricks, and being sick.

And as she lay in bed–a little lethargic, Violet wanted nothing more than to die as fever raged through her.

She had sworn Sirius to secrecy and not tell the others that she had the plague (which she did not, just a mild case of the flu), and now she was suffering.

All the windows in her room were open–letting in the summer breeze. She had no blankets on her bed. She was dressed in a tank top and shorts. And sweating profusely to the point where she was almost embarrassed that Sirius was pretending to be her nurse to the best of his abilities.

He was quite a good nurse, but Violet still felt like death and wanted it to greet her early.

"Just sick?" Violet repeated a little heatedly. "Tell that to the fever taking over my brain! Tell that to the sickness eating away my insides! Tell that to the morgue you are going to deliver my body to in the next two days!"

Sirius just laughed–dipping a towel into a bowl of cool water before laying it on her hot forehead.

The touch of the fabric on her skin made Violet want to wretch whatever she had eaten for breakfast into the toilet, but the cool relief that followed was worth the nausea that accompanied it.

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