- c h a p t e r - t w e n t y-f i v e -

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 She tucked the jumpers into her bag.

And that wasn't the only thing either. Violet had packed a whole selection of stuff for Remus in her charmed bag.

Chocolate, comfy socks, blankets, hot cocoa, books, colouring books–the works.

"What's that for?" Mary asked, putting away her school books for the evening. "You have a date?"

Her heart stammered a little at the little hint in Mary's words. But she played it off, "Study group. The boys need some tutoring."

Mary–a disbelieving glimmer in her eyes–hummed a response, "Well...have fun! And good luck."

Violet grinned at her, "Ha! Thanks! I'll need it. And I will."

She hurried out of the dorm and into the common area, where she settled into the armchair near the window–hoping it would hide her from most of the students passing by.

As the night dragged on–she didn't see Mary again, thank Merlin. After a while, Violet said goodnight to the rest of her friends–telling them she would be up later after studying with the boys (still fibbing), and finally, when it was dreadfully quiet–the prefects and Head Boys and Girls gone out for patrol–she stood.

She gave one last check around the common room before turning to the other side of the space.

Violet hurried away to the portrait hole and into the dark castle, quietly evading the nigh-owl portraits and snitching ghosts roaming around the castle. Not to mention the student patrols and Filch running around with his stupid cat. But she dodged them with a frightening ease.

When she reached an area in the corridors where she could hide from sight, Violet shifted into her fox form. The feeling was odd–as it always was when she turned, but she didn't let it stop her. Soon, Violet was carrying the charmed bag in her mouth as she padded down the moving staircases–hopping off one and onto another with grace. Thankfully, her fur had stayed its normal, auburn red–which she had been a little worried it wouldn't with her dyed hair–but the natural hue helped her stay hidden when needed.

Meaning when Filch came bumbling around the corner, muttering about gargoyles and Peeves being a prat again.

When she finally reached the door leading into the courtyards, Violet quietly shifted back and wrapped her cardigan tightly around her, heading out into the bright night.

She was a little concerned about the amount of light the full moon cast over her–praying to the stars that no one would look out their window and see her running across the fields in the middle of the night. They would probably report her for going mental.

Her chest heaved a little bit as she came to a steady stop–staring at the tree in front of her. The Whomping Willow creepily loomed over her–looking like a ghoul against the moon, but she stood a reasonable distance away, staring at it in trepidation.

This was for Remus.

She wasn't going to back down–not now or ever.

Glancing over her shoulder at the sleeping castle, Violet held tightly to her bag strap, "One..."

Okay, you got this.


You're faster than the boys–even with those ridiculously long legs of theirs.


Not giving her a second to hesitate, Violet shot towards the tree–aiming to dive into the almost hidden hole in the overgrown roots.

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