- c h a p t e r - t h i r t y-e i g h t -

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"Hmph! That's not the way to greet your grandmother!"

Violet's eyes popped open, and she launched herself from her bed with a screech–waking up her friends, who had sprawled out in her bed and on the floor.

Violet did not think she would have felt the deep pain that erupted from her soul when she realised who was standing in her room.


The tall, slender woman–although she was technically her adoptive grandmother (because Violet's grandparents adopted her mother at a young age)–cupped her face with her hands and kissed her face repeatedly as Violet laughed.

"Look at you!" Grandmama exclaimed in her obvious American accent. "You're so grown up!!!"

It wasn't that her grandmother hadn't been around since her parents died, but the visits were not as frequent as Violet needed them.

Her grandpa was away on business, but Violet knew him better than he probably knew.

She knew that her mum and her grandpa had a very, very deep bond.

So–despite being young–Violet understood that it was just as painful for them as it was for her with her mum being gone.

However–it had been a while since she had seen either grandparent and now that her grandma was holding her–everything felt right and safe again.

Arms wrapped around the older witch, Violet was crying quite a bit now, "Oh, I missed you!"

Her grandmother opened her mouth to reply when a familiar tall, lanky boy came swinging around the corner–his eyes a little bleary with his wand raised, partially hidden in the sleeve of his robe as hit slid down his shoulder, "Violet, what's going–"

His voice vanished at the sight of Violet's grandmother hugging her.

At the sight of Remus with morning hair, Violet blinked a couple times–her face turning red, "O-Oh, Remus, good–"

Grandmama put a hand on her hip, cutting her off, "Violet Mae, why are there boys in this house?"

The sixteen-year-old opened and closed her mouth like a fish, her face turning even redder.

Then, to make the situation worse, Sirius, James, and Peter came colliding into Remus's back, all equally bedraggled and bleary-eyed. Without fail, the four collapsed to the floor–cursing, limbs flailing, and wands rolling away.

The situation would have been funny if Grandmama wasn't staring at Violet with a shocked and disappointed look.

Violet and her friends were trying their best to explain when Grandmama's lips lifted and erupted with boisterous laughter, making Violet almost collapse in relief.

"Teenagers will be teenagers," Grandmama chuckled. "It wouldn't have flown when I was younger–but this is a new time!" She wiped her eyes, and with a devilish smile, she said, "As long as none of you are doing the devil's tango, I am–"

The denials that took to the air nearly burst Violet's eardrums as she rubbed her forehead–trying to recover from the scare, "I really thought you were–"

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