- c h a p t e r - t w e n t y-e i g h t -

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 The sun trickled onto her face through the curtains of her room.

The warmth made her sigh as her eyes barely opened, and she watched the trees dance in the summer wind.

Curling tighter on her side–a stuffed animal in her arms as she let out a quiet but large yawn.

It was not until she watched a robin peer at her through the window did she realise what day it was.

July 16th.

Her birthday.

She was fifteen.

Fifteen years old and alone.

Despite the bottomless pit in her stomach, Violet got up. And the first thing she did was climb on her bike and visit her parents' graves without the snarling faces of her extended family watching her.

Although it's not like Terrance was around.

He had a girlfriend by the name of Lucy. Violet had met her once, and the dainty young woman was far too good for Terrance, in the Hilton girl's opinion opinion.

Violet propped her bike up behind her before she knelt between the graves, sitting on the blanket she had brought. She was quiet for a long time–fingering the stems of the rose bouquets cradled in her arms.

Her lips quivered as she lifted her eyes and stared at the stones, her parents' names carved elegantly across the smooth surfaces.

Penelope Lark Hilton.

Walter Bartholomew Hilton.

Her stomach squirmed as she stared at the too-early dates of death carved into the headstones.

This wasn't supposed to have happened. Violet wasn't supposed to be orphaned so young.

Her mother was supposed to be here to help her do school with all her knowledge of the Wizarding World. Her father was supposed to be here to see her off at the station–running after the train until the platform dropped.

They were both supposed to be here when she got her first boyfriend.

When she got married. Had her children.

But they weren't.

And it was all the bloody Dark Lord's fault.

Violet gritted her teeth as she placed a bouquet before each tombstone.

Violet sat back, sitting cross-legged as her soft voice filled the air, "It's my birthday again..." Tilting her head to the right, Violet let her short pink hair flutter around her already-tanned cheeks. "Lily is taking me to the cinema to see a movie, and then the girls are coming to my house for lunch later. And tonight, the boys are coming to the woods, and we're gonna go for a run." She tried to smile as she whispered, "If you get what I mean..."

There was, of course, no response.

The only thing that filled her ears was the sound of the wind in the trees, the birds singing to one another, and the random buzzing of bugs.

She sighed, leaning forward on her arms, "I know that this is so silly – and I have no idea if you can even hear me, but I want you to know I'm okay. I have the girls and the guys. And their families love me like you guys do. And I want you to know that we're all like a little family now–we take care of each other, so you don't have to worry about me. Even if Sirius almost drowned me in the lake before the end of term this year," She laughed dryly at herself. "I'll get back at him soon...don't you worry."

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