- c h a p t e r - f o u r -

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    "Bloody hell, bloody hell, bloody hell, BLOODY HELLLLLLL..."

    "Vi, you can't just go around saying that. You're eleven."

    "Try me!"

    "I fail to see how Violet saying 'bloody hell' is a problem..."

    "Marlene, you're not helping."

    "Just saying!"

    "Thanks, Mama Marlene, but Mummy Lilibutt doesn't like it when I swear."

    Mary and Alice giggled from across the room.

    "You are impossible, Violet Hilton," Lily snapped playfully at her.

    Violet smirked, her head hanging off the edge of the bed, her hair pooling to the ground, "And you love me for it..."

    "Most of the time." 

    "Good enough for me!"

    More laughter rang around the room.

    Marlene pushed her hair from her face, slammed her book shut, and exclaimed, "I am officially bored."

    "Hi, officially bored. I'm Violet."

    Marlene looked at her deadpan and said, "You did not just make a dad joke. Tell me you didn't."

    "...I would, but I would be lying..."

    "Lily Jean Evans, how in the bloody hell have you dealt with her all term?"

    "You should ask how I've dealt with her for five years."    

    "And the answer to that is by the grace of God!" Mary commented.

    Violet rolled her brown eyes, laughing as she did, and sat up, "I am an angel. Have been since the womb."

    "That's not what your mum says..." Lily snickered.

    "What happened to girl code? Aren't you supposed to keep secrets for me?"

    "We're all friends here!" Marlene exclaimed. She moved to Lily's desk and leaned on it dramatically, "How about we tell more embarrassing baby Violet stories?"

    "Lily, I swear to Merlin, if you say anything––"

    "One time, Violet learned the s-word at school from one of the bigger kids and said it as her one thing she learned from that day in front of the whole class. And then her parents came to get her, and the teacher told her to tell them what she had said, and Violet got so upset she made the pot in the corner explode. And then her parents got a scolding because they started to laugh."    


    And run she did because even when Violet caught up to her, the girl hexed her to rhyme for the next week, which was hilarious.


    "Wait, you dress up and go around and get candy?"

    "...What kind of Pureblood boringness do you do on All Hallow's Eve?"

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