- c h a p t e r - e i g h t -

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Of all the things she expected to be woken up by on her birthday or any day, she would never have expected to be screamed at by a yodeling goat named James Potter.


Jerked out of a dead sleep, Violet screeched like a Mandrake–tried to get untangled from her blankets and sheets, only to roll right off the edge of her bed–barely missing her nightstand.

And she also was suddenly glad that she had put a rug on either side of her bed because if she had not, she probably would have just slammed her head against the hard floor–and that would have made the whole situation even more painful.

Groaning, Violet sat up–rubbing her sore elbow when she suddenly realised whose voice it was who just screamed in her ear at a decibel that shouldn't exist.

"JAMES POTTER! WHAT ARE YOU DOING IN MY HOUSE?!?!?" She shouted in a shrill voice.

Standing, she spotted the messy-haired boy with his hand over his eyes and a massive grin on his face, "IT'S YOUR BIRTHDAY, DUMMY!!! We got here early."

Violet launched one of her many pillows at his stupid face, "That doesn't mean you can come into my room!"

"My eyes are closed!"


He did–after he ran headfirst into a wall, making Violet fall to the floor, a deep belly laugh filling the air.

"OH SHUT UP, YOU!" James snapped at her, although he was laughing too.

Once he left the room–shutting the door behind him–Violet quickly got ready for her birthday–still giggling at the sight of James running into the wall like a cartoon character–dressing in a pair of overall shorts, a long-sleeved, striped lavender and green shirt, and of course–her trusty converse high tops, which really needed to be replaced soon.

Violet stuck a lavender headband into her long red hair before she sprinted down the spiral staircase–the music from the record player filling the house.

And when she swung into the kitchen, she realised just how early the Potters had arrived.

It was not a little early either–it was three hours early.

"James said that the party started at eleven," Mrs. Potter apologised to Violet's parents fervently as she stirred some milk into her tea.

"It's quite alright," Violet's mum replied with a smile. Then with a strange glimmer in her eye, she looked at her shocked daughter as she said, "Violet can take James around the neighbourhood, maybe pick Lily up on the way home."

Violet cringed–knowing that was not going to go well–and she was about to voice her concerns, but James just grinned, "Sounds like a grand time to me! Come on, birthday girl!"

She hadn't even had time to grab a piece of buttered toast from the counter when he grabbed her hand and pulled her into the warm sun.

Violet about pummeled him the moment they were outside, and the door was shut behind her, but she calmly asked, "Why did you lie to your parents?"

"Beeeecccaaaauuussseeeeeee..." James–his face split with an enormous smirk–drew out as they walked out of the garden and onto the dirt path leading to the stone gate surrounding Violet's house. "They did too."

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